Holidays/Depression/MS yikes!: Let me... - My MSAA Community

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Holidays/Depression/MS yikes!

Jesmcd2 profile image
33 Replies

Let me start by saying No I'm not a Dr of any kind! Nor can I give you medical advice! Yes I suffer from depression!

The holidays are extremely rough sometimes,they bring up memories of loved ones. Things don't go like you want them to. You don't see the ones you love. Boom sadness, mood changes, you start not to care... Sound close?

Then add on MS.. and well. It can be scary.

So Please Read This from MSAA about Depression!

If you need help, get it! I did!

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline- (800) 273-TALK (8255)


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Jesmcd2 profile image
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33 Replies
Lovingharmoney profile image

I suffer from depression too, this time of year is really hard, not enough sunshine and everything messes with my sleep add it all together and it just makes me feel sad. I am hoping things start getting better , but it's so hard to even get into the Christmas spirit. I'm hoping today will feel better.

Jesmcd2 profile image
Jesmcd2CommunityAmbassador in reply to Lovingharmoney

It's been very cold and cloudy around here lately. And it does mess with your moods. Yesterday and today are sunny 🌞! That always cheers me up!

Have you decorated yet? 🤗💕🎄

rjoneslaw profile image


Jesmcd2 profile image
Jesmcd2CommunityAmbassador in reply to rjoneslaw

RoyceNewton profile image

nahh I am having fun just being sad and really grumpy so I am tole. This happens every year in December so I learn to live with it and not make she who must be obeyed to upset or me too poor. I guess not depression just sadness/

Jesmcd2 profile image
Jesmcd2CommunityAmbassador in reply to RoyceNewton

So if you know it's there, work on changing it? Your giving it an excuse, by the sounds of it now. 🤔 And no one wants a grumpy MS writer! RoyceNewton 🤗💕⛄

RoyceNewton profile image
RoyceNewton in reply to Jesmcd2

hmm ok be less grumpy, I will work on it promise

Jesmcd2 profile image
Jesmcd2CommunityAmbassador in reply to RoyceNewton

Good man! 🤣

greaterexp profile image

Great post, Jes.

Jesmcd2 profile image
Jesmcd2CommunityAmbassador in reply to greaterexp


carolek572 profile image

Pretty sobering post, Jesmcd2 and it's an important discussion that is needed, especially during this time of year. We all should acknowledge that not everyone experiences or processes this season with joy. Thank you for sharing :-D

Jesmcd2 profile image
Jesmcd2CommunityAmbassador in reply to carolek572

Very welcome! Have no fear! I got help a long time ago. 🙄 But bouts still happen to the best of us! 😊🤗💕⛄

Midgey_Midge06 profile image

Very great post! I am seeing a therapist and my depression scores r way higher these days. But i am blessed to have someone to talk to that understands neurological issues!

Jesmcd2 profile image
Jesmcd2CommunityAmbassador in reply to Midgey_Midge06

Thanks Midgey_Midge06 and very glad you do! I end up teaching my head in the box.😂😭 🤗💕⛄

Midgey_Midge06 profile image
Midgey_Midge06 in reply to Jesmcd2


Royjr profile image


Jesmcd2 profile image
Jesmcd2CommunityAmbassador in reply to Royjr

jimeka profile image

Excellent read, thank you 😊

Jesmcd2 profile image
Jesmcd2CommunityAmbassador in reply to jimeka

Very Welcome! 🦋🤗💕⛄

pamgarner profile image

you are correct.I read an article years ago and at that time there were more suicides and divorces at the holidays and it probably still is not shiny tinsel and glowing lights for everyone.I too share depression with alot of folks.It was so much easier for me with small children and small grand children,they were pure joy this time of year.We do have choices,we can enjoy it or not but it will be back next year

Jesmcd2 profile image
Jesmcd2CommunityAmbassador in reply to pamgarner

It is easier to get Joy with the young ones! 😊 I can't wait until I see my angel monsters!! pamgarner , but if that's not possible it can be lonely.

So I hope my friends reach out and get help if they need it, or spend time with friends or volunteer!🤗💕⛄

MarkUpnorth profile image

Yes, this time of year is hard, as is every frick'n day 365 since shortly after mom shot dad in his hospital bed down in their own family room, where my dad's brother spent his last days with cancer, dad was restricted to it due to advanced diabetes where after many, many surgeries over the years, replacing veins, amputations....Mom, who was depressed, living with someone she many times complained about, "was no longer the person she married", could no longer take it herself, and living with my sister who lived off them, didn't really help but in token, mom ended it all for my dad who was praying the rosary every day for years now, and depressed self, who only had my sister who cared more about her dog and the neighbor's dog she walked for a living? Living off my parents for decades. With her anger issues that kept her from having any friends, job..... But she took great vacations off them....buying anything she them, while my dad and I worked our butts off, year after year.

Well, I'm well aware of depression. Though even through months of my daughter being hospitalized for major depressive order, a couple times over the years, having cut herself for a long time, and my son, who has bi-polar, also hospitalized, after months of being hospitalized in one of the best psych facilities we could find in Chicagoland after his mania got so bad that he was kicked out of school, arrested in various localities for various reasons, "graduated" from his many month hospitalization, although he never graduated from any of the colleges we sent him to over many yeas, his "graduation" from inpatient rehab, he proudly stood up at his time to speak, and told everyone, "he was going to do whatever the HE double toothpicks he wanted to, and no one could tell him otherwise". All his doctors and therapists jaws dropped? Yeah, got over that when he took his car we gave him, after he "lost" a couple others?, drove off into the sunset, literally. Wound up getting fired from job after job, for a couple years, living in his vehicle, or "friends" places not much better, holding "great" job after job, never able to stay with any of them for anything significant.

Both my daughter and son are now stable, productive people, with very good jobs. My daughter has her depression under control, and my son his manic only mania under control? Life is good? Right?

But my parents, well I look at it as my own mother, as dad who had lived a life of much success, having accomplished amazing things, and built a minor fortune through hard work and business sense, ... as his health went, wasn't allowed to do anything in his own house,.... with my mother and sister who lived in the same house because my sister couldn't live on her own anymore because she refused to work, controlled everything. When and what my dad ate, when he pee'd, then bitched about how he pee'd, why does he have to splash when peeing?, he was at their mercy after so much health devastation from years of diabetes, in his own house. Anyway, I find out after the smoke clears from the gun used in the murder suicide, that after years and years of making a point (which I always felt weird and unnecessary to even be talking to me about), that everything would be left to "you and your sister" when we died, ... and your kids......, well everything was left to my sister who after many years of my biting my tongue about the fact that she was living high off the hog on my parent's money, while my dad and I ate seconds and pantry foods, trying to stay on a budget. Her dog ate "caviar" from the whole paycheck fresh pet food section, while we ate the bargain bin foods from Walmart and Kroger. Having worked my xxx off, 80+ hour weeks for decades, and doing such things as giving up a paycheck for years to pay back savings my father lost after what is still only thought to this day as a series of mini-strokes, made him go from business wise, to making bad decision after decision, loosing major money in the process......well, I worked for years to pay back every penny he lost back to him, thinking he would need it in retirement?

Yeah, that was a mistake??? Even gave up my inheritance from my grandparents, to my mom and dad, in case they needed it with all the medical problems going on with dad. While I lived frugally, so much so I squeaked! Besides, mom always complaining about the lack of money, with my sister, my dad's medical bills....In the end, 1.5 mil+ went to the sister who lived off them, because "there wasn't a job out there with the economy the way it was for her, for decades". Besides, she had a job, walking the neighbor's dog.

So yes, whenever I think of my parents, which around the holidays, what do you do? Family? And other than my kids, who is left on my side of my family? My sister? Yeah, it is depressing! But am I depressed? Hell no, I have too much I've got to do. I've got this list of healthy recipes, the last few nights have been outstanding....And, even though it's been really cold and ugly out, we keep walking, even if it is the super malls. No, I have not put up a tree in years now. But, I do lots of year round lites, and this time of year, my winter whites are out in glory. Advantage of winter whites?, come January 1, they can stay out till the snow is gone....and longer, without being out of place. Lightens up the midwest winter as I have done for years! And now that we've just completed a wonderful major family road trip where my son had settled, and is now living with his girlfriend, and we flew my daughter out to, it's time to get through the baby naming, the Christmas & Hanukah parties.....then we can plan another friends get together,.....go visit my friend up north who keeps asking, whom I talk to every other day..... Yeah, I'm too busy to be depressed. But, some things just are.....Sad? Disappointing? Nah, my therapist Jack Daniels tells me,....

When are you going to fix that slow sink faucet on your to do list? And deal with the fact that you are going to need new brake pads front and back even though according to spec's, they're still good for many more safe stops....,and...and...and.... Let's plan that party!!! Okay, right after.... and....

mrsmike9 profile image
mrsmike9 in reply to MarkUpnorth

Oh my. You have quite the story. I am glad you have gotten out on the other side of all that in one piece! My sister in Boston is bipolar and that alone is a rollercoaster. I tip my hat to you.

Jesmcd2 profile image
Jesmcd2CommunityAmbassador in reply to MarkUpnorth

You my friend, are a good man MarkUpnorth always remember that! 🤗💕⛄

MarkUpnorth profile image
MarkUpnorth in reply to Jesmcd2

Thanks. See my reply above to mrsmike9buffering.

eharoot profile image
eharoot in reply to MarkUpnorth

and still he persists !!!!

MarkUpnorth profile image
MarkUpnorth in reply to eharoot

Thanks. See my reply above to mrsmike9buffering.

Cutefreckles72 profile image

Thank you. Will need it eventually. There have been several times I have been down and out. Whatever is going on, I pray about it and try to keep it moving. It gets hard.

Jesmcd2 profile image
Jesmcd2CommunityAmbassador in reply to Cutefreckles72

I think it's normal to get sad sometimes. Everyone does. Cutefreckles72 it's when you stay sad and can't stop being sad. Then you really have to ask yourself, maybe I should talk to my PCP! Let them figure it out for sure. 🤗💕⛄

mrsmike9 profile image

I have had depression most of my life. There is a chemical imbalance on my mom's side of the family that goes way back. I have had a therapist in the past (my 1st one was awesome, bless you Homer). He is no longer with us. I've tried a couple others who were good to vent to but not much else. This year a friend of mine, who I rarely see contacted me out of the blue when I was really struggling. She suggested a marvelous woman, Mary, who is helping me deal with my impression of myself brought on by the emotional neglect of my childhood. I am not in a real Christmasy mood this year BUT I'm not super depressed. I take that as a good thing. Usually every New Year I'm depressed because of what I didn't get accomplished the past year. Not sure if I will feel that way but I kind of don't think so. I survived some really difficult events this year, we bought and fixed up our camper so I know going forward we will actually get vacations, more of our house is done and I'm so proud of how things turned out plus my art was actually in a gallery, twice! Perhaps not as much as I wish was accomplished but quite a bit was. There is always next year.

Jesmcd2 profile image
Jesmcd2CommunityAmbassador in reply to mrsmike9

It can be amazing how you get that call out of the blue like that, just when you need it the most mrsmike9 I'm glad your not super depressed! And your talking to someone!

BTW, I'm pretty sure you accomplished a lot this yr! Didn't you redo your studio this yr also? 🤔 I could be wrong, I have MS ya know!🙄🤣💕⛄

mrsmike9 profile image
mrsmike9 in reply to Jesmcd2

Yes. We got that done and our dining room, too. All that is missing in both rooms is some trim. Our dining room is my favorite so far.

eharoot profile image

great post. thanks for opening the discussion

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