Has anyone got the covid vaccine? I'm nervous about getting it since it has not been out long, but I do not want covid ever again.
Quick question : Has anyone got the covid... - My MSAA Community
Quick question

I’m glad you survived Covid. I can’t imagine how scary that was. I had my 1st Covid vaccine shot on Tuesday 3/9. The injection site (lower deltoid) was sore for 48hrs. Other than that, I’m good. I over hydrated and got lots of rest just to be safe. When I get the next shot, I’ll massage my deltoid for 10minutes before the shot to get the blood flowing and loosen the muscles. That may help.
Have had 1st. Covid shot of Moderna Tuesday. Have had a minor headache last two days that Tylenol has taken care off and been extra tired 😴. Slept 12 hours last night. Arm was a little tender but not bad. RX had all three shots available so you could pick. Moderna has the best ratings around 95 percent with Phizer close by and J& J at 66 percent. Good luck with choice🤞 Next shot the 11th April 🙏😉🤗 CB Ken 🐾🐾🐾🐾
No,I have not and haven't any plans to.
I also got my first shot on 3/9, moderna. Only soreness around injection site for 2 days. I also made sure I was well hydrated before and after. I expect there to be a booster in the future as new variants appear.
I have had COVID and it was hellish but I thank god I got through it did trigger relapses . I haven’t had the shot yet as waiting for ocrevus first. I know a lot of people who have, they felt like death for a few days then bounced back and are relieved that they are now protected. I believe any little helps. So go for it, I’ll be doing it as soon as I can 😊😘
I have had the first Moderna and get the next at the end of the month. I had a little soreness and no other side effects except a week later I got a rash and itchiness on the vaccine site. I googled it and it is normal and has already disappeared. Apparently the rash only happens to a small percentage of people who get the Moderna vaccine.
I understand your concerns for I have had the same. I helped my elderly family members get the vaccine (who were all very eager) and they did fine. I proceed with caution but will get it for the benefit of all, once it’s available to my age group in this area. Then I will continue to research before my 21 year old daughter gets it.... It’s a shame because of all the “fake news” it’s hard to trust anything these days. Best of luck; I think getting the vaccine is better than getting covid and one way or another we’ll all end up getting of them...that’s the way I see it. Hugs
I had covid a year ago (everyone on my floor at work had it). We were probably close to 100 people. Everyone had different symptoms - bizarre cold and bronchitis and the bad flu. I had a strange cold that lasted 2 weeks. Gave it to my husband - it lasted 1 week for him. A month ago, my neurologist said it lasts twice as long for MS patients as it does for regular people.
I received my first Moderna vaccine yesterday. The injection itself was completely painless, but I had a few very minor episodes which I assume were reactions. Initially, while I sat on a chair in the observation area, a bit of wooziness and a slowly developing headache that moved from spot to spot around my skull, achy eyes. I have frequent eye achiness and headaches that come in response to any sort of physical stressor, but unless they become extreme, I won't treat them with a pain med. Those yesterday were not severe. About 10 hours after the injection, just before bedtime, I had a bout of explosive, one time diarrhea. My face flushed for about 2 hours but I had no fever.
This morning I have nothing but a slightly stiff arm. I would gladly repeat this to keep from dying on a ventilator or suffering the long term consequences of a severe case of this COVID virus or any of its variants.. I've waited anxiously for one of the vaccines to be available so I'm delighted that one was finally offered.
Unfortunately, we don't yet know for certain how long the immunity lasts. Some people have caught the virus again after recovering. With so many emerging/evolving variants of this virus, it may be unwise to depend solely on natural immunity.
But you do realize you can be fully vaccinated and catch it anyway?
I do realize that. But as a member of a high risk group if I were to be infected by the original variant, I prefer a mild case to dying alone in a hospital. Each of us assesses risk differently.
Bill Gates said immunity from these vaccines lasts 2 months.
And yet, he received the COVID vaccine in January 2021. Each individual must assess his or her risk according to what he or she finds important.
I had Ocrevus in January so plan to wait until April to get the vaccine. It seems people on Ocrevus who got COVID often times didn't maintain immunity. So I wanted to wait for 4 months from the infusion to make it more likely to keep any immunity the vaccine gives me. I want to get the J&J vaccine. The newest numbers for it may make it look less effective than the other two but it was still under study during the big post holiday surge when Pfizer and Moderna were already out. The initial numbers for J&J had it around 90% effective but that was before the surge in cases.
You might want to check with your Dr. about the J & J vaccine. My Dr told me do not take the Johnson and Johnson due to live virus in the vaccine. Pfizer and Moderna are both fine for MS.
had both Pfizer shots, for somebody who dislikes needles (me) it was fine no side effectsEat something beforehand, no empty stomach, drink water afterwards
No jabs for me, prefer the supplement and improved metabolic health strategies moving forward.
Totally agree with your approach! I add Magnesium Glycinate as well
I have gotten both doses of the Pfizer vaccine. Other than a sore arm, absolutely no side effects from either dose.
I have had both shots, mine were Pfizer. I flapped my arm all afternoon, after the vaccine was given, and had no reaction at all from either injection.
I got both moderna shots. The 2nd shot had a headache and upset stomach that went away.
Bill Gates maybe a computer wiz but where is his medical degree?
My husband and I are getting ours next Friday! Let's go!!!
Thank you 4 yalls advices
Does anybody know if children can get it yet the vaccine because my kids have had covid already I don't want them to get it again