Can nerve pathways damaged by MS send false signals back to the brain? I know damaged pathways struggle receiving signals, but can they send lies?
For years when it’s cold my throats constricts and I have trouble breathing until warm again.
That happened again yesterday. But by night my throat got super tight, I was wheezing badly and I struggled breathing.
I went to the ER about four this morning because I coukdnt breathe. Chest X-ray was great. CT scan of neck was great. No COVID, influenza or RSV. Two nebulizer sand a steroid shot helped but didn’t fix the problem. And my oxygen was low. The doctor said I have a nasty virus, but couldn’t identify it.
He said while my throat felt constricted, there was no inflammation or constricting happening.
So could my brain be misinterpreting the signals my nerves sent?? Just curious. The ER doctor didn’t think so.
They sent me home with oxygen and I’m doing much better.
And I know you’re not doctors. I’m just looking for experiences and opinions. I see my doctor Tuesday.