I've been having what I consider a new symptom. Background info, I take Baclofen for spasticity since last August. My right leg has been having a shooting pain between the ankle and knee. Feels somewhat like "shin splints" that runners sometime feel. Any ideas on that? Obviously, I'm not running these days.
Question??: I've been having what I... - My MSAA Community

CalfeeChick could you be walking differently d/t the spasticity and causing a shin splint like effect? No falls, I assume? Is he pain at rest or only with weight bearing? Does it improve after being up and about? Have you tried anything to relieve it? Ice?
Hope it improves!
It sounds stress related but I’m no doctor. You should get that professionally looked at. Wish you well and good luck.
wish I could help. It could be spasticity of an previous unaffected muscle. Let us know what the doc says. You have me curious, I hope it is not too painful. ~terry
It does sound nerve related when I get pain it's always on the right side of my leg when I wake up in the morning. The right is also my slight weaker side 😕😕😕😕. Glad the cream is helping u shin splints are painful I had those a long time ago after running. Bless u hope the Neuro appt helps xxxx my friend keeps telling me about CBD oil which I haven't a clue about 🤔🤔🤔

All my CAs are falling apart! This is NOT ok! Feel better soon! Let us know what they say💕
Calfeechick, it's Fancy1959. As always log your symptom especially this new one daily and rate it's painfulness too. Also rate the time of day when it's worse in any of the notes you can do on it. Have you or perhaps could you have injured that leg anytime in the near past. Stepped off a curb wrong, stepped in a hole, or twisted your ankle etc etc. Perhaps you have had some type of minor fracture in that leg. You need to go see your general physician and perhaps they can manipulate and feel it and decide whether they think an MRI of x-ray is required to rule out any type of injury to the leg. They will probably be the best best place to start. And if they see no obvious trouble you're next Step might be physical therapy or back to your neurologist to talk about the medication and if the side effects your experience are common ones for people on it. I hope this helps and I wish quick healing for your leg and whatever is causing your pain. Take care. Fancy.

starlight5 doc believes it is from increased spasticity particularly in the right leg. Will be doing rolling exercise with pool noodle. And increasing the baclofen dosage to see if that helps..
I get that also (mainly on left but occasionally both sides). Stretching it out on stairs helps temporarily relieves it as does increasing the baclofen. Used to just happen when I fell (legs went limp) or odd positions (sitting on floor etc). Similar thing happens in both thighs to where things get so tight it feels like they will snap. Hope the docs plan helps -Kris
Thanks kris1973 I know there are Stretching exercises somewhere either on MSAA or? will try to find and post link. Sorry that you also experience it too. We need exercise classes!!

Thank you all, had appt. with neuro this am, he thinks its increased spasticity. for now will be increasing baclofen and doing rolling exercise with pool noodle. 😊😊🏊🏊🏻
Most of us have more symptoms in one side or the other. If those curious pains are on the side that is the most affected by MS, then you can probably blame the nerves that MS has been messing with! I developed intense pain in my left thigh, but my regular doc insisted on examining my leg for bruises, despite me trying to explain nerve pain. Luckily, I got thru to my neuro the next day, and he phone in a prescription for Gabapentin. WHEW! Relief is sweet when you finally get it!