Sisters and Brothers. The room\office redesign continues. To be honest the heavy lifting is mostly done. I had to ask for help moving some of the furniture. I could have done it but an able pair of hands made it go so much quicker. My Mother could have done it by herself but at 70 odd she has had lots of practice. I feel I am mostly done, just fine-tuning.
haha, after 20+ years with my Relapsing-Remitting ms (RRms) I can still do a little something AND SO CAN "YOU". Never give up yourself. Try things, this is your very own life. The only one that "YOU" can remember, how about making it a really good story. One that your family can talk about for generations. The tale of that family member that had RRms long ago and did so much. Was so impressive, oh to be like how they were.
Royce (O your ms writer and Brother)
Just a little more room fine-tuning