Good Saturday Morning my ms Sisters and Brothers. I slept well, last, night well but a little cold. 70 Fahrenheitish, which is on the cooler side for Phoenix. I guess it is winter so it is better than 110F but I am born English so it is understood that I have to complain about the weather. Massive stereotype but sorry if “YOU” are upset English people. Just move to Australia, she’ll be right mate.
Again this is opinion, not backed up by any tertiary or higher education, merely experience. A young lady said she was just Diagnosed (Dx’d) with ms. I believe she was in her early twenties. That means living an average life she should have ms for 60+ years. Do “YOU’ know what that means? 60 years riding the rollercoaster of this illness that we all have. That will take incredible strength and bravery. To throw her feet out of bed each morning and live her day will take some fortitude. I would think that the only way to live with ms, is to enjoy the apps of our rollercoaster, and prepare yourself for the downs and accept that your life will be like that. After20+ years I am always trying to fine-tune my life. As the Boy Scouts say be prepared, or something like that. I was never a Boy Scout. The point being wether your ms is brand n new at 20 30 or 40 of age I feel that “YOU” must prepare yourself. Be willing able able to change direction as your illness dictates. Do not spend all of your many years looking at your life through dark glasses. Regretting what could have been or maybe was. This is no way to live, constant regret and anger will tear “YOU” apart. We were not meant to constantly suffer. For your sake find some joy positivity in your life.
ms is not easy, sometimes it hurts. It will do things to “YOU” that “YOU” never imagined. I never thought I would walk out of a pizza shop in my t-shirts socks and protective underwear. I did, I was dreadfully embarrassed but I did it. Held my head high and just went straight for the nearest exit. Luckily she who must be obeyed knew something was wrong and followed me to the car. She can drive with her ms. Infusion of IVIG (ask your doctor about it) I do not and do not care to, it has been a very long time, besides it is her car not mine. An attitude like this and a devil may care attitude will help “YOU” get through the ups and downs. “YOU” do not have to get everything right all the time, but always be trying, will DEMAND effort of of “YOU”. That is of course if “YOU” want to live happily and somewhat content. NOT every problem has to be solved immediately like diet and exercise routine. Some things “YOU” have a little time, some are more urgent, (DMT choice)
BUT BUT BUT, ms is doable disease“YOU” can live with it. Some positivity helps. Live your life with a sneaky smile. Not a sour-faced grimace.
Royce (your ms writer and Brother)
YOU can do this, believe me and more importantly believe in yourself, take care and good luck