Never went to sleep the other night so was in kitchen very early an this was the view out the back door. I immediately thought of MS brain fog. Yep, a little bit works above the fog, a little below the fog, but mostly I’m in a state of confusion. And last night my words came out the wrong way when talking to hubby, so rather than think maybe her MS brain is talking, he lashed out with words that cut very deeply, all I could do was cry. And his response was more anger. They never understand our brain fog and mixed up words sputtering out, do they? They never understand how stupid our brain fog makes us feel do they? Or how useless? No wonder there is high divorce rate among MSers, and above average death rate. And my pneumonia is clinging on tenaciously- which adds to crazy thought lines. Maybe I should put duct tape over my mouth. Finally got appt with pulmologist Nov 12 or thereabouts.. I am so done with this way of living. This forum is a life line when I can get to it. Two nights ago I was cruising thru it and pc crashed. Gotta buy another one. No sleep another night,
Brain fog: Never went to sleep the other... - My MSAA Community
Brain fog

Brain fog...used for both MS and Fibromyalgia... Duhh... Those that don't understand are the ones that Do Not want to understand... They cannot or will not be bothered to even show concern. You can't force them, over the years I've learned to leave them where they are at, pray for them, and let God handle them, after all, God don't like ugly!!!
Stay strong and blessed 🙏😇
Aww, I’m so sorry! I hope you get some rest tonight.
I totally understand what your saying about words coming out the wrong way. Sometimes my boyfriend seems to understand, but mostly doesn't get it. I get mad at myself, and the thought of duct tape is a feeling I get. Sometimes I think I should just stop talking to people.
I like the analogy of the fog at your place being like brain fog. I also thought like optic neuritis sometimes.
Oh how I understand what you are going through with both the brain fog and the husband not understanding. My husband gets frustrated with me a lot. He stops me and says "nouns and verbs". I then tell him "if I could think of the nouns and verbs I would say them!" He is also starting to have cognitive problems as he has had a couple of little mini stokes, which has knocked his genius IQ down to and average IQ, literally. I guess for him to be "average" is devastating, I wish I could bet back to "average"!
So sorry to hear this added issue for you to deal with. When it's very bad for a week or two, I call my Neuro and get a run of prednisone, and most of mine goes away. I'm praying yours goes away quickly.

I feel your pain agapepilgrim ! I know it's hard having words come out wrong, and getting frustrated with yourself then it gets worse... And the crying.. and yup, I get it! Have been like that all my life. Listen, it's not your fault!! 🙂 It just is. And it's ok! Give yourself a break, your sick, you don't feel good and your tired.
Take care of yourself and have some tea and honey! Feel better very soon my friend!🤗💕👻
That's rough but your not alone! Stay strong!!
Your picture is perfect. I’m so sorry you are hurting emotionally and physically. I don’t think anybody can ever totally get it unless they have it themselves. It’s hard enough for us to explain. I think sometimes the anger can even come from a sense of frustration with not being able to understand. That doesn’t make being hurtful ok, though. Praying for your comfort and healing as well as better understanding from your husband.

Good photo, and I understand all too well this brain fog. I often struggle to find the correct word and I have used the wrong one all the time. Lots of hurt feelings but I have learned to let my listener know that I am using a word but it doesn't sound like the right word. I hope that you managed to smooth those ruffled feathers, agapepilgrim
stay strong for you can understand it and have to just try to get thru all of the fog and take care of yourself for the stress is to hard on you ...i know the problem with them but again they have the frustration of us with we both have to try and work together ...i have the same problems with mine also but we do get thru it and happiness ...take care of yourself..
Is there a therapist you can talk to? Him lashing out like that is verbal abuse and not only do you not need that with this stupid disease, you don't need it PERIOD! I am sorry he's so unfeeling...
I’m sorry. I hope your husband can show more patience and understanding.
I don’t know what you take for sleep. My neurologist years ago put me on Elevil. Started out at 10mg but now on 100mg. Without it I stay awake 48-72 hours at a time without ever feeling sleepy. Hope this is helpful.
thank you. I have tried that, and so many others. I have a strange and unique metabolism (or something). All the DMTs I was allergic to and with the MTHFR mutation so many mind altering drugs do not affect me or affect me in an opposite way, even THC and CBD affect me opposite than the norm. Trial and error for 40 years. This forum does give me new ideas to try, though.
I’m so sorry but glad you are getting new ideas.