Has anyone been on Ocrevus for 2+ years? Do you notice any changes? How are you doing?
Ocrevus: Has anyone been on Ocrevus for... - My MSAA Community

Have u been on it for 2 years?
I just hit the beginning of my 3rd year.
Like u this is my 2nd dx that I’ve been on, I was on Tecfidera b4 this. The hospital took me off it and told my dr to put me on Ocrevus.
Like u I’m RRMS but I haven’t really been out the house since Jan. I had 4 dr appt that I had to leave the house 4 because they were appts that couldn’t be done over the phone. It seemed like the dr emptied her office just 4 me because I was the only person there but when I was leaving several people were coming in.
I have 2 admit my doctors go out of their way 2 keep me healthy and get me healthy. Their 1st question to me is what questions do u have ? They know I have a list and last question to me at each appt what can I do for u? Or what do u need?
been on since 2017 doing great feel better ...i feel that it has improved my way of walking and i can work outside longer ...the pain of the shots for so many years since 2004...two kinds and pill form of meds...this is so much better ...i go shopping after the infusion because it is given in a bigger city than where i live and has more shops and things ...i do enjoy taking it for back in 04 i had to use a cane all the time now only when i am tired or for a long distance and if even farther i just use my scooter ...nothing fancey just moves for me ...i hope you have a great experience with this infusion of Orevus... take care and make YOUR own choice not someone else's ...talk to your doctor and do some checking out other meds ...love and much happiness with your life with what ever YOU choice...
Yes it's slow, but better. Keep in mind Ocrevus only STOPS the progressive nature of MS, it does not fix/cure MS.
yes, it has been 4 years,i believe it helps,with fatique weakness,makes me alittle stronger,but i can feel it when I am do the next,i like it
2 1/2 yrs for me. My experiences vary from infusion to infusion. All in all, I am doing better and don't miss the shots.
I’m just here to bump up the post so it gets more responses 😬
Any concerns or issues regarding increased immunosuppression?
I've come to realize that being on Ocrevus and being immunosuppressed is just another part of MS. I've been very careful since I started this medication, but have been super careful since COVID. I haven't left the house much since March.

Welcome to this forum! Yes, mamaknits I have been on Ocrevus since February 2018. I have PP'ms', and progression has been slow. Ocrevus has been good to me but I am not sure if I can prove that unless I stop Ocrevus. I can count the number of times that I have been out of the house since March, and other than my husband, I have had no one in my house.
Thank you for replying. I am so glad this is working for you with PPMS! I have RRMS which is different I know. Ocrevus is the 2nd DMT I've tried. I'm grateful to have options, but I'm more grateful that there's a med out there for you too.
I am doing great, it just wears off toward the end of the 4th month
I've been on Ocrevus for about 3 years. The only fallback I get from it is that it seems to start wearing off after about month 4. This makes it difficult to get through the next two months until next infusion. I was on Gilenya, a daily capsule, for about 4-5 years. But I started getting small skin cancers and my neurologist believed this was a side effect from the Gilenya. So she switched me to the Ocrevus. No side effect so far.