I want to thank everybody that answered my few posts
thanks again.
I want to thank everybody that answered my few posts
thanks again.
if we have any thing to say that may help we hope it does ...keep talking to us or just visit or just read ...it is a great web page to get to know more about this monster i call MS and how to try to cope with it or just the fun things and pictures...
just keep asking n posting
I take Avonex my self. What I do is take naproxen after my injection and again through out the next 24 hours. I still get some side effects, but this helps. I usually drink a soda to, it seems to help.
thank you for answering me. I took double Tylenol every 4 hours and got my self sicker, I threw up etc.. will try gain net week. Will call doctor and nurse in a few weeks. Hope it gets better with time now it the pits...it sucks.
How are you doing now?
Thanks for asking. Hope the worst is behind me.
Actually better. I took my avonex shot on sat nite. Ibuprofen every 6 hours on sat sun mon and tues. So far so good cross my fingers. It is the best I have had so far. Just fatigue and walking kid of not goo. Everything is relative. Hope the next one is going to be ok.