Don't be a stranger!: Here at My MSAA... - My MSAA Community

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Don't be a stranger!

Jesmcd2 profile image
26 Replies

Here at My MSAA Community, we call each other family! Why? Because we picked each other!☺️

We have a ton of Regular's, New People and some that haven't spoken up in awhile.

So, we wanted to put together a post where everyone can introduce themselves!

Chime in everyone! Tell us about You! Your MS? Hobbies? Anything else you care to share!

jimeka greaterexp CalfeeChick and Fancy1959



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Jesmcd2 profile image
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26 Replies
Doubled51 profile image

Hi Jesmcd2 . I’m doubled51 aka Donnie. How are ya doing. I’m still just sitting back in my New power chair waiting on surgery schedulers to call.

How are there rest of my MS family.

Just wanted to welcome all our new comers and say hi to the ones I haven’t talked to lately. New comers you have found the best site there is for us who suffer with this crazy disease called ms.

I was dx 3 years ago and thank God I found this forum quickly. They helped me get thru the hardest times of my life by coaching me thru the fact that this ain’t a death sentence just another obstacle to deal with.

Welcome again and God bless


kdali profile image

It’s kinda like Cheers 🥰 I’m Kristi, a retired RN with 2 kids under age 3, an awesome husband, and am lucky enough to have my mom close by. I am on Ocrevus and will have the first full dose soon.

MS wise, I have a weird collection of crap and have figured out ways around the suck so well that I forget living this way isn’t normal. I’ve recently decided that if I’m going to wake feeling like I’ve done a marathon every day, then I might as well do go one 😬 I need a goal and a shiny medal too 🤣

I am currently listening to Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins, Sapiens by Harari, and I am probably reading two books I’ve started and forgot where I put them. Mostly I’m packing house. My hobby is long walks outside while listening to music or a book.

I finally made my MS shirt and will be applying for the logo soon. I’ve got the email address and twitter account for it too (I don’t even tweet 😂)! Unfortunately it’s too nice of a shirt and I need to find a thinner and cooler material so I can wear it outside. I hope you guys will like it 🥳

in reply to kdali


Picture please

kdali profile image
kdali in reply to

I’m ordering a new shirt 🤦‍♀️ I wore my first attempt today and my mom was confused about it, but I think I have it fixed and I’ll post it when I get the improved one! 🥳

I’m applying for trademark once I get it...they charge $100 more if you send in your product logo after applying 🤯

in reply to kdali

Sell it!

kdali profile image
kdali in reply to

Hah! I have no idea what I’m doing. I saw an ad for a MS shirt one day with a lame message and clicked....$40! Some people even commented that they liked it but couldn’t afford it. I thought to myself that I could do it better, but I don’t want to get my idea stolen and sold like that. So, it’s going to cost me $300 for a logo that I might not even get approved to register. Sounding pretty crazy to me right now 😂😑 but it’s MINE.

bxrmom profile image
bxrmom in reply to kdali

Can't wait to see it when you are able to share :)

greaterexp profile image

Thanks, Jes, for the opportunity for everyone to introduce or re-introduce ourselves.

I was diagnosed in the fall of 2016 with RRMS and started Copaxone in January of 2017. I had a CIS when I was about 36, but didn't know it then and went undiagnosed all those years. My symptoms are a roller coaster. I can usually walk without a cane for short distances, but keep the cane, forearm crutches, Rollator, and wheelchair handy (at least I try to!) because it's all so unpredictable.

I have the world's sweetest husband, 6 kids, and a great church family for support. When it comes to MS, however, you all are my support system.

I used to be an RN, but haven't practiced for over 15 years. Now I quilt all day, garden, and still do some canning and preserving, with occasional cleaning when I feel guilty.

I hope we hear from lots of members. It's so great to get to know everyone and create a bigger, wonderful family here.

Kenu profile image

Was diagnosed over 26 years ago and have been on seven different DMTS. Currently on Aubiago last two years. My wife of 43 years passed year ago 😢 wHave a great son Tyler thats 27 years old 🥰 Have decided to move back to Pocatello Idaho from Meridian Idaho to be by my brother and lots of friends 👍 Having a new house 🏡 built with no steps, not even entry steps 👍. Have had cancer ♋️ twice along with my MS and still upright and kicking but not as hard 😆. To all the new comers this is a great place to be for support 👍🙏😊🐾🐾 Ken

hairbrain4 profile image

Hello from Arkansas! I was diagnosed in 2005 for my 50th birthday. Did you know when you turn 50 the warranty runs out? That's when all the parts start breaking too. Imagine that!

pamgarner profile image
pamgarner in reply to hairbrain4

i believe that!it seems all kind of things happen at that age,nobody warns you

jimeka profile image

Hi to everyone, old and new members. I am from the U.K., I have PPMS, was diagnosed in October 2010, but they said I had had it for at least 25 years before that but it is what it is and I can’t change that. I have made some terrific friends on this forum, we all understand each other. We cannot choose the hand we are dealt but we can make the most of it. Smile, it costs nothing. 🤗

agapepilgrim profile image

True statement

rjoneslaw profile image

I'm rjoneslaw . I'm in Chicago. I was diagnosed in 2010 with RRMS but I didn't come out of remission until 2016.

I don't have any hobbies because I worked almost 24hr a day because I had my own business. Now that I don't work anymore I have no clue what I like and don't.

I have to admit I do like horror, suspense, drama, and action movies so I guess my hobbies right now are movies and Amazon Prime is my source that's supporting to my addiction for these movies . My sister likes to tell me I watch horror movies like they're comedies (yes I can say I have laughed at some killing scenes).

erash profile image
erash in reply to rjoneslaw

My hubby is in a documentary on Amazon Prime “Why They Kill”

He teaches criminology (he’s not the subject of the film 😁)

Sounds like right up your alley 😉

Jesmcd2 profile image
Jesmcd2CommunityAmbassador in reply to erash

I'm so going to have to check that out erash !! 🤗💕🌠

rjoneslaw profile image
rjoneslaw in reply to erash


in school I would go on westlaw and lexis nexis and read the criminal cases.

a majority of horror movies use criminal vases as the basis of the films

janetb1968 profile image

Hi honey hope your well and doing ok from the U.K. xxxxxx ❤️ I was diagnosed in December 2017 and I was a ward sister on a cancer surgery unit before my diagnosis. I love animals, especially cats xxxx I like having one glass of wine now and again, watching films, love the beach and the sea xxxxx

erash profile image

Hi! Family. I’m Liz.

Central hot humid pandemic Florida.

Semi-retired nurse practitioner (still teaching). Spms.

On hiatus from Ocrevus because ...

By the way, today, I DO NOT have MS.


Did I mention I have difficulty with acceptance? 🤪


Jesmcd2 profile image
Jesmcd2CommunityAmbassador in reply to erash

🤣😭🤣 Mrs attitude! Love it!🤗💕🌠

ahrogers profile image

Hello everyone! I am also an RN and I work radiation oncology as my full time job and have been doing a part time job abstracting data from medical records to be used for an oncology data base for about a year. I didn't have any hobbies and my son graduated high school and went off to the Army so figured I might as well work rather than just sit and watch TV 😁 also trying to get all our debt paid off before I am disabled and have to live off that pay.

I am married with just the one son. I was a native Californian but moved to South Carolina almost 3 years ago and love it here. I was diagnosed in 2014 at age 45 with RRMS but my neuro here thinks it is probably PPMS and I agree as none of my symptoms ever improve, I just go with periods of not getting new ones. I have been on Ocrevus since 2016 so am covered regardless of which type I have. My MRIs have been stable since being on it but I have slowly gotten more symptoms, the newest being not emptying my bladder as easily as before.

Recently got a referral to PT because I felt my leg was getting weaker from less walking while I worked remote for two months and so glad I did. She did the epley maneuver because I had vertigo when she had me lying done on the table and moving around to test my leg. It helped tremendously! I don't get it when moving anymore just occasionally when just sitting but only for a couple seconds. She is also getting a prescription from my neuro for a graphite AFO so hopefully I can start walking longer distances at one time and build my endurance back up.

Moral of that story is if you have vertigo ask to see PT or ENT for help as it may not just be the MS causing it.

Best wishes to everyone 😁❤🌻

bxrmom profile image

I'm Jessie, I was diagnosed with rrms in 2006 after sudden blurry vision. My spinal tap is how I received the diagnoses. I used to work the IT dept of a hospital until 2008 after a bad relapse after the flu caused constant dizziness. The dissiness is always there but not nearly as bad as it was. I really don't have any hobbies. I am a volunteer with a rescue dog group here in MI where I help with listing the dogs on the computer as I am not able to foster or drive to do home visits due to my dizziness. Used to do them all the time when I lived in WI.

Welcome to all the new comers!

CalfeeChick profile image

Jesmcd2 I'm CalfeeChick also Lynn. I went numb 4 years ago on June 28. Diagnosed with MS (not defined.) Given possible DX of Secondary-Progressive MS last year. In the beginning, I prayed with my pastor and "Gave my MS to God!" I just try to remain optimistic and live my best life possible. I'm a native Californian, raised in the mountains, married a city boy and live in the HOT Central Valley. The last month if the temperature is 93 degrees, that's cool! My husband of 30 years has been elevated from MY Prince to My King. I have been in quarantine since a Feb.3 hip replacement. He's been doing all of the shopping & most of the cooking. I was just released to resume PT 2 weeks ago.

Prior to MS, I was a long distance bicycle rider. 200-330 miles a week. My biggest accomplishment as a cyclist was riding down the coast of California from Santa Cruz to Malibu in 6 days ten years in a row! ! I found this site a month after I went numb, It's the best! I've made many friends and love when I can offer help to someone.🧡

Ikeeptrying profile image

Hi Jesmcd2, I'm Marilyn. Dx in 1998. Have never been on any ms drugs, was never offered any. But I'm OK, still walking but very wobbly and fall easily. I used to read all the time and oil paint but can't concentrate any more, so mostly I just watch TV and the birds from our deck. I'll post a pic soon. It's beautiful. I'm married to a saint (we're crazy about each other) I'm so lucky. We're both retired and are hunkered down right now to avoid the C-virus. I so appreciate this site, have got so much good info here. Everyone is so nice and helpful. Love you all.

Boxofchocolates profile image

Hi there, welcome to anyone new! I was diagnosed in 2002 and have been on several DMT's over the years; now Ocrevus.

My hobbies include reading, light gardening, yoga, and walking with my faithful Golden Retriever, Ginger.

I'm quite stubborn and it works to help me fight tough MS days when I'm in pain because I won't let MS "win" and keep me away from the things I love!

Lastly, I'm glad to have found this support group of friends that truly understand and can help encourage me on the bad days & rejoice with me on the good ones!

CV97 profile image

Rural Illinois here. Diagnosed in 2017. On Aubagio.

Most days are spent managing the puppy, Lumos! He's 10.5 months old and weighs about 120 lbs. He's a mix between Great Dane and German Shorthaired Pointer. Big and energetic, yikes!! He goes in for neuter/stomach tack surgery in 5 days which will be followed by 10 days downtime afterwards. Pray for me. Keeping him inactive is going to be miserable.

We've been home since mid-March. I work at a local high school as a teacher's aide. We go back to school in 1 month. I volunteered to be on the re-opening committee... Now my week is filled with online meetings trying to sort out how school will work! (Please, please, please have patience with your local schools. I promise they are trying their best to figure out this nightmare!)

My husband and I have been together for 25 years and have 2 kids. Daughter is 23 and is a shopper for Walmart online Grocery orders (Yay essential workers!) Son turns 17 in 2 days and will be a HS senior this year.

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