Do any other drive themselves to infusion appointments for Ocrevus? I had my first one (with a driver) and was fine. I want to drive myself from here on out but others are giving me a hard time. Thoughts?
Ocrevus infusions-driving self - My MSAA Community
Ocrevus infusions-driving self

I drove for 2 half doses, but I didn’t have far to go and it was a 2 lane road. I think it depends on how far the drive is and how hard the meds hit you...but if you are not sober then don’t drive!
I would wonder if you have a recovery time after it's done or if you leave after it's done.
That is what could determine if you're fit enough to drive. The meds do knock me out during the infusion.
I had one infusion where I was alert and went about my business with no problems.
Then I had one where it took me several hours to wake up, it was like all my energy was drained. But I have point out before I could get my self together my sister was rushing me demanding that I hurry up because she wanted to feed her addiction of pizza. The place she was getting it from had a special and she wanted to get there before the special ended
I always have a driver due to the Benadryl. If for some reason you were pulled over or got in an accident, it could be an issue as well.
My best friend doesn’t do the Benadryl and drives ? Everyone is different on reaction. Ken 🐾🐾
I’m pretty groggy still after the Benadryl to drive home safely
I only had a driver for my first one and have driven myself since. The Benadryl wears off enough by the time I am done for me to drive safely. They are looking into making the infusion time shorter and my first thought was it won't help me because I need that extra hour to wake up!
As others have said I would base it on how you feel when it is time to leave.
I was thinking about asking for half the dose of Benadryl to help decrease the sleepiness. I get my infusion this Friday and was going to bring my work laptop to try to get some hours in but need to be alert for that.
If this is your first full dose maybe have a driver and pay attention to how you feel on the way home and decide from there.
I drive myself to my Ocrevus infusions. I’ve never had an adverse reaction and usually take a nap during the infusions. But I agree with some of the other comments - depends on how the infusions affect you and what your commute looks like. If you feel safe driving, I think it’s probably okay.
Note: where I get infusions, patients have to stay an hour after the infusion ends for monitoring.
Thank you all for the responses...this is just my 2nd half dose so I'll have my brother take me (40 min drive into Pittsburgh). God bless all!
I drive to all my appointments making sure I have meds to take if I need them to get home. With the Ocrevus treatment you get a dose of steroids that will give you a boost but with the infusion taking so long I have the staff notify me 30 minutes before the infusion ends and take my afternoon meds and I do fine.
My husband insists on driving so that is not an issue for me. However, the point that IF anything should happen legally you might be responsible is a valid point. Also, my infusion center gives zyrtec instead of benedryl as their protocol for O. That may be an option for you to avoid the sleepiness.
well i think it does depend on how far you have to go,i would feel well enough but i am so sleepy