Why Me?: Do you ever ask yourself that... - My MSAA Community

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Why Me?

Jesmcd2 profile image
27 Replies

Do you ever ask yourself that? Why me?

Why did I get this? I didn't deserve this? I'm a good person. I have been through so much already. There are murderers who deserve this...

Why me? Why you? I can't answer that, but it's ok to cry.

Just know we get it! 🤗💕


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Jesmcd2 profile image
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27 Replies
Royjr profile image

Yes. After being diagnosed in 2003, I was invited to church one Sunday and I couldn’t hold back the tears. I remember just asking “why me”, I don’t deserve this and while sitting in the church I swear I heard a voice stating “why not you”. I stopped crying and this made me realize that MS isn’t a death sentence. People have worse chronic illnesses, heart issues, cancers, have fatal accidents and some will not wake up today. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and give THANKS for another day. Give thanks for your family, wife and kids that love you unconditionally. After that day I don’t take anything for granted and I give thanks everyday. Some days are better than others but I wake up everyday and give THANKS.

Sorry for the long reply but this is my story and hopefully this help others who might be asking this.

jimeka profile image
jimeka in reply to Royjr

Thanks Royjr i love a honest answer, it’s done me good 👍

Royjr profile image
Royjr in reply to jimeka

You’re welcome. I try to be honest.

Jesmcd2 profile image
Jesmcd2CommunityAmbassador in reply to Royjr

I love your answer Royjr I'm so glad that it's turned around for you! I hope it helps others also! 🤗💕🌠

falalalala profile image
falalalala in reply to Royjr


Kenu profile image

I used to ask that all the time and then realized how many people are worse off than me. I know people that are and see others every time I go somewhere that’s worse. I know the Lord did not do this to me, it’s part of life we are dealt with ? I know by turning it over thru prayer 🙏 to my higher power my life has become so much better. Stay positive and think positive and you’re life will be so much better. Live for today, not yesterday or tomorrow 👍🙏😉 Ken 🐾🐾

jimeka profile image
jimeka in reply to Kenu

Great advice 👍

greaterexp profile image

Strangely, I never asked myself that question. I guess I've always been taught that life isn't really fair (that's biblical), so I don't expect things to go well just because I've behaved myself. Experience has borne that out to be true. I've had good things happen even when I've been a stinker. Some rough places are the results of our own decisions, but others happen for reasons unknown. MS is one of those to my way of thinking. God has used it for good for me.

Jesmcd2 profile image

For me, I did ask why me? I asked it alot. I cried Alot. I think it's ok to have a moment to ask, why me?

Then I was just glad to know it's not hereditary!☺️ 🤗💕


carolek572 profile image

Not so much 'why me' but rather the question that I had in the beginning was 'how' Jesmcd2 I was and still am determined to contribute to a cure! :-D

Midgey_Midge06 profile image
Midgey_Midge06 in reply to carolek572


rjoneslaw profile image

yes I ask myself that.

it seems like everyone who done something is still walking around and not have a thing happen to them

Midgey_Midge06 profile image
Midgey_Midge06 in reply to rjoneslaw

But then there r good people who fought for our country and r homeless and broken on the street

Not being callus just saw a commercial that reminded me of it and it always makes me cry 😭

I ask y me a lot. Y am i here? Whats the point? Where is the rapture???? Will i measure up wen i face God? Or will i throw myself at his mercy and say “dont send me back! I learned my lesson!”

I been talking to God all day today saying such things as i throw crap outta my room 😁😘

RoyceNewton profile image

wwhy me?'', Because, simply because

Midgey_Midge06 profile image

I say that on a daily basis and it has nothing to do with MS 😁🤣🤣

jimeka profile image

I was brought up to believe that we are never given more than we can handle but sometimes I think we are stretched just to see how far we can go. With trials comes strength. I have seen on here that people with ms are strong, and have an inbuilt coping mechanism. 👍

agapepilgrim profile image

After watching my beloved cousin Susan die a slow from MS, I felt like I was given a death sentence. Yes I did ask why me, haven’t I suffered enough? I could tell my story. My neuropsychiatrist told me I really should because he has a hard time believing I am as mentally healthy as I am. I told it was Gods grace and mercy. I remember looking in the mirror and saying, well, old girl, this is one thing you can’t beat. So after being angry for a year or two, I cry a lot now. Mainly because I am losing cognitive function. It’s definitely a progressive disease for some of us. But the last 3 years have been more progressive than the previous 53 years, so I am thankful for that. Susan had the rapidly progressive MS. I stopped going to a neurologist; there is no medicine for over 70 due to immune function problems. So, yes I cry. I identify with the book of Lamentations and a lot of Psalms. I like that in The Passion of Christ movie a teardrop fell from Gods eye. He understands. I claim the words “let not your hearts be troubled” and still cry

Amore55 profile image

I never asked it until recently. I thought, I have given so much to so many, how could I land in this pile of poop? And this is after years and years of never asking. But like most of you have said, I see someone with no legs, or are blind, or whatever, and I know I must be grateful. I am still walking, a little shaky sometimes, but okay. It is okay. Life is not always fair, but it is still pretty good. Lots more ice cream cones to eat and great books to read! Kelly xx

janetb1968 profile image

I agree it drives me mad! Xxxx ❤️

ahrogers profile image

I was happy at first because I knew based on my symptoms The MRI could have revealed a much worse disease such as brain tumor or ALS. Then over time as I lost more abilities I have hours or even days where I am sad and think about running and more involved traveling that I won't be able to do now. But then I make myself get over my pity party and carry on. I try to be grateful for what I can still do and hope for slow progression so I can continue to do them as long as possible. Most days I can see the glass half full (especially if there is wine in it) 😀😀

pamgarner profile image

I have cried many times,after asking why me for so long,the answer to myself is the following.The lord did not promise us a bed of roses and the challenges daily is a teaching tool for us and to pull positive out of EVERY situation.it did take me awhile to figure some of this out.I believe my own lessons have to teach me more compassion, more humility,more gratefulness,more patience(still working on that one).I am grateful God decides to wake me up everyday,that I am still walking(shaky) and i drive fabulous!for a long time my sister had cancer and i was jealous that she had a possibility of a cure and she is cured,what a terrible way to feel,I love her sooo,the question was,where is my cure?the answer is you may or may not see it,but keep the faith,hope,joys! everyday is a new day:)

jorrell profile image

Honestly, I have no idea, and quite frankly I jumped for joy the day I was diagnosed! Finally I had the answer and a path of treatment ahead. Yes, I have had the "why me" balling sessions but what brings me out is how fortunate I am! I lost my mother in January to Alzheimer's, it was one of the saddest decades of our lives watching her fade away with no hope. Eight years ago, we lost my father to Parkinson's, he fought the physical effects, always disappointed. In his last few months his mind and memory went to dementia, he passed when he knew it was time.

So, when I compare the MS condition to what my parents went through, I am reasonably certain that I will survive in far better shape than many others have with the help of our Lord.

I best stop typing now before I short out the keyboard with my tears. :)

Jesmcd2 profile image
Jesmcd2CommunityAmbassador in reply to jorrell

I am so sorry for all that you lost jorrell

~May They Be Wrapped In The Wings Of Angels and Placed In The Hands Of God~


jorrell profile image
jorrell in reply to Jesmcd2

Jesmcd2, Thank you so much for your kind words. We have gotten to a point that the behaviors of them years ago are truly funny now.No disrespect is meant. Uncle Joe and our ol' pooch Arthur were waiting for my dad. Once he arrived in heaven Uncle Joe and Arthur jumped for joy. We are pretty sure that Uncle Joe kinda led my dad to the darker side of heaven and they had great fun for years on end, the dark side being true humor! Then my mother arrived, found my dad immediately, and Uncle Joe's visits were only permitted when she was there to protect my dad. On the other hand, any time my mom put on her latex dish washing gloves, Arthur would attack them and rip them off of her hands. Yes, even Heaven allows a dog to have a fetish... about LATEX!

IFwczs profile image

I cry a lot and wonder "why me?" like the rest of us. Yes, I too was happy it was MS, and not the brain tumor I suspected, after years of trying to get a diagnosis. My dad died of pancreatic cancer at 39, so I was overjoyed to turn 40.

But today, of all days, I thought of a girl I went to school with between ages 7 and 11. I was recently told that when she was young, her car caught fire. She suffered 3-degree burns which permanently disfigured her appearance. She became a lawyer. So I wondered today - why her?

Let's try to be thankful for what we have.

DIsneyQueen profile image

I haven’t asked myself “why me” I have a lot of faith and believe even though this is not where I thought I would be, or wanted to be at this point in my life, this is exactly where I am meant to be. I have also just come to the realization that I was going to become limited physically without having MS, but I would never have gotten to where I am spiritually or in my relationship with God without having MS. I thought I was pretty self-sufficient before MS, and I know now I am not. I can only do anything with Gods help, He has also put people in my life who get me through this. I am blessed, so even though it is hard some days, I try to remind myself of that.

kdali profile image

I don’t think that’s ever been a question I’ve asked 🤔

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