The one on top is a size for women the bottom one is sized for men. I think I like this pattern better
Found a different pattern : The one on... - My MSAA Community
Found a different pattern

WOW!!! Those are professional!
Those look great! I realized today that had made over 150 masks recently. I’m tired!
Keep sewing!
Thank you. I am going to make some more so that I have some to be available to wear while the others are being washed
That’s such a good idea. I don’t think many people realized that they should be washed after each use.
I made the 2 yesterday and I made 2 of the rectangle ones now I am going to make at least 10 more today that's how many I can fit on a yard of fabric after it is washed. My boyfriend wants me to make him a couple but in black. I will have to wait till I have to go out to do that or till he gets back on the 22nd so he can find the material. I always try to be practical. Thank you
My RT daughter told me earlier the ones shaped like that are more secure and protective than the straight ones. Medical field calls them duck bill masks
Yes Jennifer said they do. She said only kind she can use cause her nose is a bit longer than most😋
The bottom one looks more comfortable. Do you use wire in the so they fit round your nose? Good job, Blessings Jimeka 🤗
nice they look better than the ones the normally have b4 the virus
Where did you find the pattern? I don't have any twist ties, but I'll pick up some pipe cleaners next time I go to the grocery store. At least that's where my dad used to get them when he was going through his pipe smoking phase. That didn't last long though. My sister and I would clean all the tobacco out of the pipes then use them to blow soap bubbles...then leave them like that. 😂🤣😂🤣😂 My dad did not find that nearly as funny as my sister and I did.😁
This is the link on the downloaded pattern :
Here is another link
I chose variant 2 I hope you find the pattern let me know if you do there are 13 pages of instructions plus 2 pages for the pattern. Let me know how it goes. I never thought of doing that with my dad's pipes. That is funny take care

They look so professional, Turtlepie Thank you for sharing the patterns and don't forget to Keep Smiling, even behind the mask!
I don't know what triggered this thought but couldn't we take old bras and alter them into 2 masks???? Just a thought...