ok,now I am convinced the whole world has gone crazy!I went to walmart at 7am sat.,should have been a sign when my first experience was absolutely no buggys at 7am,lines backed up through the store,,by the time I made it to the paper aisle where there was no toilet paper,paper towels kleenex,napkins,any kind of sanitizers.A 90 year old man told me don't look down that toilet paper aisle it is "WIPED OUT" and then he giggled.It reminded me to lighten up,can't do a thing about it,but I did kind of lose it when I got to the bread aisle and there was no bread!!!I finally yelled where is there one snowflake outside?It has to get better!
virus: ok,now I am convinced the whole... - My MSAA Community

I sure hope it gets better. I had a pretty colossal disaster at Wally World w/an online order I went to pick up today myself. Went to pick up a half filled order THREE times. Still came home empty handed. Lol
Gotta laugh to keep from crying.
Go figure...
Went to Winco out of all paper 🧻 products, diary products, cereal and of all things dry dog 🐕 food. Albertson’s and Fred Meyer same way. It’s the damn media putting out the fear like the world’s coming to an end. This happens every ten years or so and we always survive. There are ways to get around not having toilet paper 🧻. Take a dump, jump in shower and rinse off, easy as that 👍🤣😂 🙏😉 Ken 🐾🐾
It’s world wide. I get my groceries delivered every week by Tesco , you would think that they would at least supply to their regular customers, no loyalty. 😂 👎
People are being crazy there's no toilet paper anywhere , wrong kind of flu, at least today it also became Lysol and Clorox products.
I’m thinking of calling Meals on Wheels
Let's see, all schools, bars, and eat in restaurants, churches, CLOSED via orders by the governor. Many businesses closed by self proclamations. ANY gathering as of this morning greater than 25 people....according to the CDC.
Many stores / pharmacies free delivery. Don't come here. We'll come to you!
We stocked up once the travel ban was announced (and I saw toilet paper was out of stock on amazon), but I saw lots of photos this week of lines outside the stores and no supplies. So much for social distancing 🤦♀️
That's probably what is going to spread it around.
That and all of the people at the gym and bars. Because 4% of the population doesn’t matter, and their families don’t matter 🙄🙄
I saw where some stores are opening 1 hour early to seniors only,since they are in the high danger category
I heard that too but not in my town. They are closing church services, schools and anything that has more than 2 people attending except restaurants. Nursing homes & the hospital are closed to visitors. We haven't had any cases of COVID-19 here but have some in Little Rock which is a 3hr drive from here.
All the schools in Boise Idaho closed today for 2-3 weeks, will be considered spring break. Idaho has 5 cases total in the state as of this morning.
Our hospitals are beginning to stop elective surgeries to conserve supplies. GA is doing the same, I hear.
in alabama we had 5 yesterday,17 today,3 in my town.Hospitals are now testing in parking lots,800 people tested yesterday.I think that may be where the increase is from.You don't get out of your car and they give your swab to swab your own cheek,results in 4 hours
Our hospital and clinics are doing that as well..drive thru testing. Will have results in 3-4 days.
My husband told me that he saw most of the junk food was gone from the shelves and the healthy stuff, fresh and canned was there by the truckload.
My daughter went to Meijer last Friday evening and asked if I needed anything. I said I could use a bag of potatoes as I'd just used up mine. She sent me a photo of empty shelves. No potatoes of any kind. I won't die of the stupid virus. I will starve to death because people are going nuts!
it's a mad house everywhere
I learned a long time ago when I experienced my first ice storm when we lived 20 miles from town that it was important to stock at least 2 weeks of groceries. That was 27 years ago and I still do to this day. I haven't needed to until this week when all the crazies came out of the woodwork, glad I did!
I've been using my anxious energy to order online for delivery. Amazon and Walmart are now delivering most things in a week in my area.
you lucky duck!