Has anyone else put on weight during this shutdown time? I have always been slender, but this has made me a bit lazy, not getting out and doing usual stuff. Just curious. Plus am baking too much bread, I love bread! Love to all, Kelly
Putting on “Quarantine15”?: Has anyone... - My MSAA Community
Putting on “Quarantine15”?

I am baking too many pies and crumb cakes. It’s what I do when I get down to make me feel accomplished. But today, what a mess. Tried a new recipe: chocolate yogurt pie. Mixed it, poured it in gluten free pie crust, mixture left over, poured in custard dish and put in microwave. There set the melted butter and peanut butter that was supposed to go in pie. I wanted to throw it all in trash! Cry! But I poured mixture out of pie crust, mixed in butters, poured back in crust and baked. Turned out Luke a cheesecake. Ate 2 pieces about an hour later. Yes, I have gained 6 lbs. I will go on a partial fast for 2 days (juice only), lose it, but gain it back. We gonna do this til October??
Thankfully, this will shock most people, I do not like chocolate, haven’t for years. But your dish sounds good. One of my favorite things is a good, easy apple or blueberry crumble, you know simple with oatmeal and butter. Other ingredients. Then of course ice cream on top to ruin any nutritional value!
My favorite is apple crumb pie with the oatmeal and butter and cinnamon cut in crumbles on top! Don’t like two crust pies or plain layer cakes. Gotta have lots of gooey stuff. But I am a chocoholic and hubby asked for something chocolate. He brought home overripe strawberries a few days ago and I had to use them. Google! Found oatmeal crumble strawberry bars! Mmmm! Like apple crisp only crops was on bottom! Lasted about 3?days. Yep weight going up
I’ve put on about three pounds. Not bad since I’m being super lazy lately.
I may not have gained the “Covid19,” but I tacked on 5 ugly pounds . Not sure if it’s from medication changes or what, but I hate it, and it won’t leave even though I only eat one meal a day.
And there I was thinking it’s just middle age spread 😂🤣
there is a meme going around saying by the end there will 3 different groups
1 those who are pregnant
2 those who look pregnant -Quarantine15
3 those who will be getting divorced
And those who will be burying their spouses in their gardens by the one joke posted here before!
No, actually lost couple pounds tha I don’t need to loose. Weather change and just doing more. 👍🙏😊Ken 🐾🐾

Yes, and I can tell you that I am fattening the curve, Amore55
yes me!!! And also baking too much !
I hope I have put on some weight. My PCP was getting worried I was losing so much weight - I stopped gluten, sugar and dairy. Seeing a doctor soon.
I've stayed the same somehow. I don't cook but my daughter is working from home and she's discovered she likes to. So she is doing it. Yum but I have to really watch it.