Update on getting worse : I gat an... - My MSAA Community

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Update on getting worse

Turtlepie profile image
57 Replies

I gat an antibiotic shot and a steroid shot from my pcp. Heard back from my neurologist they are confused about why I am being so sick. I am to keep them updated on what is going on. If I don't get better by the time I finish the antibiotics I will be going back to the doctor. For now losts of rest comfort food and lots of fluids. The lots of fluids is causing its own problems I am sure you all can relate to! You all take care and thank you for caring about me.

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Turtlepie profile image
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57 Replies
mrsmike profile image

You take care and feel better soon.

Turtlepie profile image
Turtlepie in reply to mrsmike

Thank you

jimeka profile image

Just remember that toilet paper is fashioned 😂 joking aside please take care and I hope and pray that you will feel better soon 🤗 🙏

Turtlepie profile image
Turtlepie in reply to jimeka

Love the jokes. Thank you. I took 1 of my pain pills and took an hour and a half nap. Some things feel a bit better

jimeka profile image
jimeka in reply to Turtlepie

That’s good, I hope that you get a good nights sleep 😴

Turtlepie profile image
Turtlepie in reply to jimeka

I will try my best

kandykone1 profile image
kandykone1 in reply to Turtlepie

Think it’s the flu??

Turtlepie profile image
Turtlepie in reply to kandykone1

They tested for that every time I have gone in and it's not the flu. But thank you for trying to make this more simple

rjoneslaw profile image

Hope you feel better

Turtlepie profile image
Turtlepie in reply to rjoneslaw

Thank you

Doubled51 profile image
Doubled51 in reply to Turtlepie

Hope for a better day today.


Turtlepie profile image
Turtlepie in reply to Doubled51

Thank you

Timeflies5 profile image

Wishing you wots of peace and wewaxation, (Elmer J Fudd)...


Turtlepie profile image
Turtlepie in reply to Timeflies5

Thank you I need to have a laugh

Iona60 profile image
Iona60 in reply to Timeflies5

Wank Woo!

agapepilgrim profile image

Oh my. Please take care of yourself. It’s a difficult situation. Stay in bed

Turtlepie profile image
Turtlepie in reply to agapepilgrim

I am doing my best but I can't stay in bed I am all alone and got to take care of my fur babies

agapepilgrim profile image
agapepilgrim in reply to Turtlepie

Oh I am so sorry. Understand. My fur baby gets me out of bed every day.

Turtlepie profile image
Turtlepie in reply to agapepilgrim

I am up between 6 and 7 am and in bed after 10pm. And I just got a puppy she is only 3 months old so lots of walking her and she is a chihuahua won't get over 5 pounds so I can't just put her out back she will get out of the fence

agapepilgrim profile image

Chihuahuas have a mind of their own I have a mixed chihuahua we have a fenced in yard. I get up open the door and she stands on porch won’t leave the porch unless I go out in grass with her! She stays by my side always. Funny little thing

Turtlepie profile image
Turtlepie in reply to agapepilgrim

I had a chihuahua mix that died over the summer she was 17 years old. She was all over the first couple of years but after that she stayed by me like glue. This one is always by me but she gets running so fast and I and likes to explore right now so I keep her on a leash when we go out. I wish I could let her run in the back yard but the holes in the fence are so big he can just walk through it

agapepilgrim profile image

That’s a shame. Annie likes to run around the perimeter. She could squeeze thru the fence. Thankfully she did not that curious. And I only make it about 10 min and come in and she follows quickly.

Turtlepie profile image
Turtlepie in reply to agapepilgrim

Maybe when rue gets a little older she won't want to run so much

Doubled51 profile image
Doubled51 in reply to agapepilgrim

That sounds like my foxy. I’ve got a huge back yard. She likes to chase birds squirrels or rabbits but as soon as I start standing up she’s headed my way fast as those little legs will carry her.


Turtlepie profile image
Turtlepie in reply to Doubled51

The little ones move the fastest. I can just see your foxy chasing after the backyard critters

carolek572 profile image

I will keep you in my prayers that you feel better soon, Turtlepie :-D

Turtlepie profile image
Turtlepie in reply to carolek572

Thank you so much. I appreciate that you and everyone here are in my prayers

anaishunter profile image

hope you'll get better soon.

Turtlepie profile image
Turtlepie in reply to anaishunter

Thank you

BettysMom profile image

Bear in mind that the majority of severe sore throats are caused by viruses, not bacteria, and that antibiotics will do no good and may do harm. Have you had a throat culture to see if bacterial pathogens are the problem? Have the doctors looked in your mouth and throat to see if lesions typical of viruses are there? The steroids should help the symptoms a lot but won't cure the virus.

Turtlepie profile image
Turtlepie in reply to BettysMom

I have not had a culture done they did look in my throat they swabed for streptococcus and the flu and they where negative each time. They are sure that this is an infection that I need antibiotics. And they seem to be helping up to a point but my white blood count has been lowered because of the mavenclad that my body can't help fight what is going on with me and these kind of infections are a typical side effect of this drug. If there is still a problem after this round of antibiotics I will seek out if there is something else I can do. I appreciate your input and concern and will take in you advise as something else to consider. Thank you

BettysMom profile image
BettysMom in reply to Turtlepie

Of course, you are at higher risks for both bacterial and viral infections because you are taking a biologic DMT. In my professional opinion (I am and M.D.), your physicians were negligent in not getting a throat culture before beginning antibiotics in light of your immunosuppression. As I said, the steroids will make your symptoms better so an improvement is not confirmation that the antibiotics are working. I do hope you get well soon.

Turtlepie profile image
Turtlepie in reply to BettysMom

Thank you for all your input it helps to get insight from others. Thank you

Sorry you are having a rough time w this 😢

Turtlepie profile image
Turtlepie in reply to Goldilockssearching

Thank you I am sure things will get better

pamgarner profile image

I am sure you are very sick of being sick!feel well soon

Turtlepie profile image
Turtlepie in reply to pamgarner

Thank you yes I am sick of being sick

robster1 profile image

I’m sorry to hear you’re so sick! Fortunately you’re on an antibiotic & the steroids. I pray this gives you the strength you need to fight this mess off and get back to your normal. God bless ya. Your brother Robbie

Turtlepie profile image
Turtlepie in reply to robster1

Thank you so much. This sure has been something. I am with another group that is for people taking mavenclad and it could be worse

CrazyCatWom profile image

One of the best COVID tips I heard recently was: cover nose/mouth when sneezing/coughing, wash hands frequently, and turn off TV.

Turtlepie profile image
Turtlepie in reply to CrazyCatWom

I don't pay much attention to the TV any way I watch my dvds or stream Netflix

Mermaidia11 profile image

I love ur name but don’t love the situation you are in lovely

Yes, been there got the t shirt...

I live alone, used to have a precious cat and omg had an anitibiotic resistant infection for 5 months

I had five months of different yak inducing antibiotics.

How I’m still alive I will never know... I lost my appetite, my sense of humour and my mind.

Hideous , and yes it became tedious for my friends and family, who got boreder than me . Going to the bathroom became a major exhausting, issue

I could go on, but I just wanted you to know I feel your pain )although infections differ) and offer some probably useless advice

My dear old mum was an old school catholic Irish mammy. She had a raft of old country remedies and wouldn’t entertain anything stronger than an asprin

Her and those that went before her relied on natural remedIes

I wish she had been here when I had my uti, although she hated snails so heaven know what she would have made of them...(and no - dmannose, cranberry etc did not work btw ) but her remedy for flu/sore throats has never failed:

-Every hour gargle with warm salty water

-Lots of soup - especially chicken and veg (chicken soup is known as natures antibiotic, well it is in Ireland)

-Sleep lots of it and keep elevated so the mucus doesn’t collect in your lungs

Deep breaths of fresh air when you are outside with the pooch ( cold air through the nose can help to kill a bug - mammy had me put my babies outside to sleep for this reason)

Asprin regularly to keep your temp down, keep it flowing and prevent a clot with all this snuggling

And collective good vibes and prayer has been proven to help so sending lots to you

Mate take care and here’s baby Pearl and an egg I found to cheer you up, distract you and make you realise that you aren’t so er alone lol

Me n Pearl and all the critters send our love


Turtlepie profile image
Turtlepie in reply to Mermaidia11

Thank you for all the wonderful advice. I have tried most of them and I do use cranberry when I have uti but don't have that problem this time. I can't take aspirin I'm allergic to it and all insaids my cartiologist is not sure to do with me if I have a heart problem. Thank you for showing me Pearl. She and her egg brought a smile to my face. Again thank you and I hope you have a wonderful day. Love your name too

greaterexp profile image

I hope you have a very swift recovery.

Turtlepie profile image
Turtlepie in reply to greaterexp

Thank you. Today is a lot better day than yesterday

Prayers to you sister

Turtlepie profile image
Turtlepie in reply to

Thank you so much

Ladybriars profile image

Take care of yourself and feel better soon.

Turtlepie profile image
Turtlepie in reply to Ladybriars

Thank you I am trying

RoseySawyer profile image

🙏 Get better soon. 💓🌹

Turtlepie profile image
Turtlepie in reply to RoseySawyer

Thank you

BeckyAnn1966 profile image

Hope you get better soon

Turtlepie profile image
Turtlepie in reply to BeckyAnn1966

Thank you

Tazmanian profile image

Get better soon

Turtlepie profile image
Turtlepie in reply to Tazmanian

I am trying my best thank you

stepsforNeeC profile image

Prayers and love my friend. Feel better soon.


Turtlepie profile image
Turtlepie in reply to stepsforNeeC

Thank you do very much

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