Be safe: Here - My MSAA Community
Be safe

I’ll have to look for one of those cones!
That’s what I need!!!
That’s the winner!
My dog would roll over and laugh if I borrowed his cone. Great image 😂 🤣
I have a few cats that would love to see me in that!
great idea,oh the things we could multi task with!tee hee!I did see a dr. on tv talking about corona virus and he said"people say they don't touch their face,since I have been speaking for 3 minutes I saw 20 people in the audience touch their face and don't realize it" made me more aware.
I love it!

MarkUpnorth and I were just 'talking' about this the other day, and I was laughing, until I sneezed, while wearing a 'cone of shame'... Not very funny after that, TexasLawman But to each our own. Keep Smiling
The dreaded cone of shame!!! My critters would love to see me in one!!!