Whenever you are in a position to help someone, be glad and do it. It’s God answering someone else’s prayer through you.
Be human.: Whenever you are in a position... - My MSAA Community
Be human.

Amen 🙏
well said
Totally agree. 👍
Much agree...imo, the world cannot prosper without compassion...good to pay it forward...Matt 25:35-36 ...ty for this thoughtful post, Texas! 🕊🌺
So very true. We are blessed to be a blessing. Indeed. 🙏🏽🧡
I try to do what I can. God bless you. You have my prayers
that reminds of, I was in the grocery store with my hubby and leaving I was pushing the buggy and hubby was in front of buggy not paying attention to me at all,my foot got stuck on their rug,the buggy was moving I was not,I am calling hubby,he was not paying attention to me at all.An angel came up behind be,put her arm around my waste and lowered me to the floor.hubby finally turned around horrified,but what a kindness from a stranger
that was so special and what a wonderful person to take the time to help it was time out of their day and didn't think anything about helping you ...wow ...our world use to be filled with these type of people all the time it was like we were all family...you always felt safe that someone would be there for us is something happened and we needed someone to help ...love and family and compassion for your neighbors and anyone in the world no matter the color of your skin ....wow ...sure miss it ...my grand ma days when i was a kid ....
I so agree with your post! I think I have always tried to be aware of people near me and tried to be helpful. Now that I am using a walker full time (just since November). I am amazed at other people not even offering to help me open a door. I was raised to hold doors open and taught my children the same thing. I have always been thankful for help and more so now!
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Thank you for your post. I fully agree!
Couldn’t agree more. Sometimes people ask me why God let me get MS. I believe there is a purpose and a lesson to be learned in everything. I tell them maybe my having MS is because someone else has a lesson to learn and God is using me.
that a wonderful sure wish more would remember it ...it is so nice to see that some are still out there that feel this way ...we have to many that feel they are owned something for them being in our world ...i too try to help any way i can ...even if just to take there cart back when i am taking some out of the parking lot when i am going to the store for i enjoy the cart to help walk with ..i can' believe how many want the carts but can't put them back to the store or the storage areas at the stores ...so selfish ....... may we all show others that even with a cane stuck in the cart we do put the carts away that we enjoy to use at the stores...