Hey Everyone!
I’ve been reading lots of your posts but posting little of my own. Time for an update.
The puzzle is the first 2000 piece one I’ve ever done! Lots of fun.
It’s been a crazy few weeks. On one hand, my MS has been doing pretty well. On the other hand, things have been wild!
About two weeks ago I had bloodwork and a CT scan done and was told I have colitis. Not sure what type or anything since I don’t see a GI until the end of February. But I’m the meantime I was put on the antibiotic metronidazole. Ugh! It was awful. I was so sick even with an anti nausea pill. After one day I spent an entire Saturday trying to change to a different antibiotic. All they would do was change the anti nausea pill. On top of that I had a major head cold.
I struggled through Sunday but by Monday I had a new problem. Every ringing phone, dog bark, loud sound, heavy footstep etc causes shock waves through my head and down my arms. It was like being electrocuted over and over. I rushed back to the doctor who triggered an attack by simply opening the door. He said he’d never seen anything like it before and he pulled me off the new meds. I also couldn’t touch anything electronic like my phone without the same thing happening.
In retrospect, it was probably the perfect storm of MS, colitis, head cold, new meds and old meds working together but it was excruciating.
I’ve taken the week off work and see my neuro Monday. Mostly I’m fighting being lightheaded at this point but it took nearly three days for sound to no longer be an issue.
I hope it never happens again!