I always knew Kale was healthy but today I learned it has Alpha Lipoic Acid
in it!
I always knew Kale was healthy but today I learned it has Alpha Lipoic Acid
in it!
I just learned that some people can’t convert ALA to anything useful at all. I spent a lot of money taking flax oil for two years straight 🤦♀️
I doubt I could get a therapeutic amount via kale, but I do have a great recipe for a kale salad!
Growing up we ate all the greens b4 they became the it thing for chefs to eat every raw.
The way I eat them these new chefs would try and find something wrong with them.
What gets me is as soon as something becomes a fad the price skyrockets
I grew up eating the greens (turnip, mustard, beet) and savoring the liquid they were cooked in. Now as an adult, almost every day I eat some raw (lettuces, endive, escarole, baby greens), some stir fried, some steamed and have a broader variety in my diet (chard, kale, collards, spinach and an occasional wild green).
I prefer most of my veggies raw. My mother-in-law liked to complain to people as a dig at me for not doing things her way, that I don't eat veggies at all and didn't provide them for my family. Her aunt ripped into my mother-in-law for that. She pointed out that many veggies are more nutritious raw rather than cooked. She's a certified dietitian so she had final say on the matter. I so desperately wanted to stick my tongue out at my mother-in-law but I managed to restrain myself. Because that would have been childish of me...So I waited till I got in another room and no one could see!!! My mother-in-law never did that again though.😂🤣😂🤣
I also prefer many vegetables raw (peas, greens beans, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots) but as I grow older and the spaces between my teeth widen, it provides plenty of impulse for flossing and brushing. I should probably modify the old Ogden Nash verse "Celery raw, develops the jaw; celery stewed is more quickly chewed" to easily chewed.
Happy Thanksgiving. I'm doing the sides: Sweet potatoes baked with orange juice, Corn cheese pudding, and Praline topped winter squash. Sweet potatoes and squash come from my and my neighbors gardens.
Wash it well. Buy organically grown. Grow your own (it's easy).
Disclaimer not to offend you, but I'm sure I will.
I'm so over the organic movement I don't know what to do. Growing up we didn't eat organic and it didn't kill us. It's just another way to charge more for the same thing.
My sister is on that kick but I proved she couldn't tell the difference because I told my mother to stop buying it and tell her it was, she never knew the difference. That's why they have soap and water
Disagreements and differences are part of life. I'll try to explain my position on the big stuff, but on the little stuff, nah. I was married for 18 years to a man who thought parsley was a noxious weed. I didn't argue but if it garnished his plate, and he didn't want it, I was always glad to eat it for him.
I don't care what is said about kale...it's disgusting!
I read literally two weeks ago that kale is really bad for you. I was happy because I don't eat it anyway.
Somewhere on the Internet. Don't have time to look.
Well...... I like my kale roasted in the oven with a little sprinkle of oil, a little bit of salt and pepper. Kale chips! 😁☺️♥️🌹