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Has ocrevus caused you weight gain or ha... - My MSAA Community
Has ocrevus caused you weight gain or hair loss?
I’ve gained 4 pounds and have lost a little bit of hair. Pretty inconsequential when you look at the big picture. My MS appears to be under control. 🎉
I have lost weight, but believe this is do to Modafinil. Hair did thin, but nothing drastic as my hair is SO thick, it was helpful... I'm doing great/better because of Ocrevus!
Hi Julie, I've just started Ocrevus a month ago. How long had you been on it before you noticed benefits?
Funny you ask as I was going to post this - I, since this last Sunday have had all the energy Ive been lacking for the last 4 years. Not sure why, I have been sleeping just 5 hours and worked a full day yesterday and I really thought I would crash today, but nope! I was told here, that most individuals see results from Ocrevus after 3 or 4 infusions. I've had 3 and am looking forward to my 4th in December!
So glad to hear!
Maybe hair loss (unsure if that’s not due to aging) but rogaine has resolved that.
No weight gain.
Because more active I’m able to maintain my weight better.
Although I do get a lot of fluid retention after each I fusion. Doc offered a water pill and I may take that prescription next time.
I have had hair loss but no weight gain. The hair loss has been insignificant. I have a thyroid problem that causes more hair loss than Ocrevus did.
Neither for me. Been on it 3 years with no new lesions
Both 10lbs weight gain, and significant hair loss not good. 🙁
I have been on it for two years. I am discontinuing it because it has not helped my progressive MS and the side effects I have experienced a difficulty in breathing. The good news is I experienced absolutely no hair loss… As a matter of fact people comment on how thick my hair is. I’m 54 so it’s very much appreciated. As far as weight gain, I can’t blame The infusion. My Weight gain was due to the fact that I would stop for a specialty milkshake with Eminem’s and chocolate bars LOL
no side effect. No new or active lesions since Dec 2018. I'm doing A LOT BETTER than prior to diagnosis. I feel like I've regained my life or starting a new life (fatigue was the worst0. I'm grateful to have access to the treatment.
I have not noticed any significant hair loss but my weight has been creeping upward. Not sure if weight gain is because of Ocrevus or my inactive lifestyle.
mm1527mm Now that you mention it, I have had almost no armpit hair growth for almost a couple of years. (On O, for 2 1/2 years.) My hair grows fine everyplace else on my body. My primary care thought it might be a menopause thing. Weird huh???
My weight is seems due to what I put in my mouth.
Neither. I gained 3lbs and a headache from the steroids, but that was all gone a few days later.