So it's 2008 and my 9th year signing up to to ride for the "Bike to the Bay", as usual I signed up early to get the "early bird" discount on registration. now it is May and I have begun training for the ride, there is something going on with my legs in particular. After seeing prmary care practice, and being told I probably had a vitamin deficientcy because I am vegitarian, then my chiropractor who said almost as soon as he saw me that I needed to see a neurologist right away... then I get into the neurologist and get the diagnosis fairly quickly( memorial day weekend) As soon as I get out of the hospital after diagnosis, I check my e-mails and there is one from the organizer of the ride that year which says" Robert do you realise how many people have been diagnosed with MS just since you signed up for this years ride in January?" To which I reply "no, but I know that I am one of them"
MS Society Bike to the Bay: So it's 200... - My MSAA Community
MS Society Bike to the Bay
Sorry about your MS dx, but I thank you for your support through biking for our community! Yep; MS stinks!
But, remember, you are Mighty Strong!
Thank you for the feedback, hope you are staying relatively healthy, Robert
Thank you for sharing your story.
Thank you for your feedback, hope you're doing ok in this strange new world. Robert

Bless you for asking. The world does feel as though it's been turned upside down and shaken. But other than a blue period lasting about 3 weeks, I'm doing fine.
How are you doing?
Honestly this past few months have been very difficult in many ways, sort of the perfect storm scenario, heart attack, by-pass surgery, cardiac rehab, corona virus , everything shuts down including rehab, then covid 19 takes off and my primary care provider and neurologist tell me I shouldn't ever return to work, with my immuno-compromised self. Whoa! sorry sort of let the flood gates go there, but yeah a little rough start this year, sorry for more than you bargained for again hope you're ok ish ( I say ish because I assume if your posting here you're also living with some form of MS. Robert

No apology needed; I asked! My, you've certainly had a really rough several months! I'm sorry you've been through the mill.
Thank you again I looked at some of your posts you seem very grounded, I appreciate that and am trying to find that myself again. but just thank you

We’re all figuring it out day by day. At least we’re all in this together.
wow sorry to hear
no worries that was a long time ago just funny (ironic)
Did you get to go?!
yes and the diagnosing neurologist sponsored my team, rode seven more years after diagnosis, lots of stories in all those years.Robert
So cool you can still bike! My balance is so bad that my Neurologist told me four years ago To stay off bicycles. I thought that since you never forget how to ride, I would try it anyway. I got on one and fell over immediately! I was laughing so hard I could hardly get up!
Dear Sukie427 Yes I am able to ride, but they say "it's like riding a bike" well I have had to learn to ride a bike several times since the advent of
MS. The most disappointing thing of all is because my foot drop has gotten so bad I can no longer ride my recumbent which was my favorite. long story short I fell a lot but didn't give up, had to learn coping mechanisms for ballance issues. Lots of bruises especially to my already damaged ego. Hope your doing ok , and if you love riding there are ways around most issues to keep you doing it. Would be glad to talk to you about some of tricks I learned , and some of the options out there for those of us with issues. Thank you for your feed back Robert

Thank you, Robert. But I prefer horses....kind of the same story. Lots of balance issues to overcome there, also. Have given up jumping and now just limit myself to trail riding, but it’s well worth all of the hard work to keep at it. Happy trails! Sukie
That brings back lots of memories also grew up with a friend who owned two horses, and we used to ride often, have not done that since my twenties. good for you though glad you have that, outlet, activity especially outdoors and with animals I think is great for us MSers Robert