Okay, in all honesty that have been packed for months. I am sure some fine tuning again and then maybe again. No more Starbucks for a few months, no more gym. Whatever shall I do.I am going to have to behave like a normal person. I am going to have to miss the last two episodes of Game of thrones. Oh I can see a long Marathon in my future. All eight season non stop, that is going to be tough. Probably a week of television non stop. I can do it, I have done Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings so I think I can do Game of thrones. My gym will have the new branch open by the time I get back k and the new freeway should be open. Things to look forward too.
I did not realize how nervous I am about my bowel misbehshavbng on the flight. Eighteen hours Canada to Australia, should be fun. I am looking forward to flying on that plane. Boeing 787 dreamliner5, hey it's a pilot thing I understand that nobody gets it. Actually I wish that I had the huge amount of money it costs to fly the Airbus 380 from New York to Singapore to Australia. Yes I have to fly across the country to do it, but what fun. Business class of course. Better win the lottery to pull that one off, but what an adventure it would be. Maybe next lifetime, certainly not this one. I learned today why god is portrayed as a man and not a woman as she quite obviously is. IN MY OPINION. Stop yelling at me, she is, "YOU" will find out one day.
Either way I will be gone off and on as I will not have a computer and I refuse to take one with me. I will use my mothers when I am at her house but she has some plans so I will not be there all the time. I will be watching all of "YOU" when I can so wear your protective underwear, take your Disease Modifying Therapy and be kind to yourself/, and others as well. We are not yet perfect and neither are they. Actually the reason is not to be perfect. Merely to learn and experience this our ms life to its fullest.
Stay true to yourself and be kind