Bryce Canyon. Unfortunately there was still nearly theee feet of snow so we could only go to the overlook. But I love this Canyon!
One more: Bryce Canyon. Unfortunately... - My MSAA Community
One more

That’s incredible, great shot, 👍
My husband and I went there many years ago and loved it, it was beautiful!
I can't blame you! This is awesome!
I love it. I love the snow too, but this late? I love the west, lived there a few, but I guess that's Upnorth out west? Pun intended. But seriously. I love the snow. 3' of it, great! But for the first couple three weeks. I'm really, really glad it's been a nothing winter here. The shovels and snowblower have already been put away, and the new mulch spread, and planters filled with new potting soil as needed, ready for flowers and veggies...., Yeah, maybe a month or so to go yet before that, but the seasonal garden center opens next weekend! Nothing really in their green houses yet,... definitely nothing outside except mulch and dirt!
But, that view is gorgeous! We raced out to Arizona a couple summers back and spent a week or so to intentionally see if we could take the heat when Phoenix was consistently running over 115°F everyday! Yep, this one who has for years withered in the muggy summers of the midwest, heading up north as much as I could to get at least a little reprieve, still can take the dry heat of the southwest, and thrive in it! ... But wait, I've gotta have water too! So, is there any particularly good lakes near you??? I know there are!!!,... So do we stay a bit lower level, where the snow doesn't show in winter, or take the really long winters???? Does the spectacular scenery get you through the winters as the snowy up north north woods by me (WI) did for me for the past 25 years? Tons of snow with paths carved everywhere as needed, in the middle of a pine forest! Yeah, that did it for me! Cold forests of stone though, they look cold? Yes I know it's sunny. ????
It’s actually in Southern Utah, but at an altitude of 8200 feet! Hence the snow. Most of Utah has thawed enough to get the gardens started and lawns mowed already. But there is still skiing in the mountains. There are some wonderful lakes in Utah, but the ones closest to me are kind of gross.
I’m definitely a fan of dry heat if there’s heat at all. I hate humidity! But winters are getting hard too. Good thing Utah has a good variety of seasons!
8200 Feet! Get light headed often? Just kidding. Did the higher elevations in Colorado, no problem. Though I really didn't even attempt any hiking, but maybe 50' into the woods, to look and see. Don't worry, don't think I'll be attempting anything that strenuous like that. I'm more of a slow and steady these days.