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hmm a crazy thought

RoyceNewton profile image
27 Replies

It has been mentioned to me several times that perhaps I should put my wrings into a book. This I feel is a good idea, the only problem being is that I am a little lazy and have self-confidence issues about making the effort to go through the tasks involved to make a book and most importantly a book is a finite product. My thoughts and idea on life with multiple sclerosis (ms) are ever changing, like me. I honestly am trying to find the perfect medium to do this in. There are 4000 of us here, but there are a lot more out there. My current thought is creating a blog, an online story, of ms that I can continue to write more into every day as needed.

Does anybody think that the blog idea is worthwhile pursuing or am I just thinking pie in the sky thoughts here? Or of course, do nothing and just continue my writing here?


Looking for your help.

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RoyceNewton profile image
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27 Replies
carolek572 profile image

GO, Royce, GO!

Any surprise that I am one of the first in this forum to respond to your wild and crazy fabulous musing? I have no idea of what might be involved but nothing ventured, nothing gained!

Please let me know if you decide to blog as I will read! :-D

However, a book would be fantastic and not much work writing as you already have a gazillion posts. Self publishing could be the way to go because some members in this forum have done just that. positiveness and Lulu521 come to mind here. Maybe Lulu521 is not self published but she is a published writer. All the best in what ever you decide to do! :-D

Keep Smiling,

Carole :-D

RoyceNewton profile image
RoyceNewton in reply to carolek572

Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated

carolek572 profile image
carolek572CommunityAmbassador in reply to RoyceNewton


Kenu profile image

I think we all enjoy your posts here, but a blog might be interesting and I too would be reading it 👍. A book 📖 would be a lot more time consuming and stress I think 🤔. Which ever way you go please stay in touch here👍🙏😊 Ken 🐾🐾.

RoyceNewton profile image
RoyceNewton in reply to Kenu

of course I will, could never abandon my family.

CalfeeChick profile image

I would think organizing your thoughts into a daily journal, then a blog. Have you checked out the MSAA blog?

falalalala profile image

I like reading your posts and find them very uplifting at times.That's a very good talent to have.I think you should go for it! :)

My second cousin (my Mom’s cousin) is a published author. She always tells me I should write a blog. I know little about blogs, but know that you can easily start one. You can post updates as you are inspired to write. I think the fluctuations will resonate with your audience. I think everyone here would definitely follow you!

Those with MS, I think, want to hear that someone else experiences the same thing, and that they are not alone! Most of all, not only are you reaching the hurting, you are also giving yourself a healthy way to express your thought!

It’s truly cathartic!!

I was stuck in that I cannot write legibly, or type without many errors and very tedious, and voice recognition was frustrating, because I slur in my speech! My therapist encouraged me to keep trying, because the software “learns” your voice and improves over time!!

Best wishes, and let me know if you need links to get started (I did a little research).



Oh, p.s. Writing articles for MS magazines to publish is another venue to consider. MS Foundation in Florida is always looking for submissions ! 😁

Guava69 profile image

You can do it. Book. Blog. Or maybe both. Just the mental exercise of taking these thoughts to another level will be awesome. ☺️🙏☺️

RoyceNewton profile image
RoyceNewton in reply to Guava69

You are very correct

Mermaidia11 profile image

@RoyceNewton I don’t think this is a crazy plan at all - your kind and supportive words have helped many, so why not collate them into a book or a blog?

It’s already written itself and maybe u could incorporate your journey and why and how you began writing them, what inspired you etc?

We can’t change our reality (until someone finds a fking cure) but we can change our perception of reality

Good luck and go for it!

hairbrain4 profile image

It is an absolutly crazy GOOD idea! People love to read about other people. They need to be able to identify with other people and what a better way to help others by telling your story as it unfolds. You have a lot of good insights for people newly diagnosed and also for those that were diagnosed long ago that have lost some or a lot of hope. You do help people see their life from a different perspective, a positive perspective. So I vote to go for it!

Doubled51 profile image

Oh man RoyceNewton . A blog would be awesome because you continually lift us up and give us help and insight that a non-ms writer can’t. Books are great but they all come with the 2words THE END. We want your post to continue. But if you write a book I will def buy it.😊😊😊👍

RoyceNewton profile image
RoyceNewton in reply to Doubled51

I must admit mt tendency is towards a blog so that I can just keep updating it forever

Doubled51 profile image
Doubled51 in reply to RoyceNewton

Just my opinion but I think that would be a great way to go.

I look forward to your post everyday.


Lovingharmoney profile image

Of course you should give it a whirl,nothing ventured nothing gained. Any insight on this ever changing whirlwind disease can't hurt but could help many. Go for it and see where it leads

RoyceNewton profile image
RoyceNewton in reply to Lovingharmoney

yes, yes I will

Peruzzot profile image

Go for it. Several of your posts would work well for a blog. Another thing you might look at is articles to submit to the various MS publications that are out there.

RoyceNewton profile image
RoyceNewton in reply to Peruzzot

thank you, I had not thought of that

RoseySawyer profile image

Go for it!!! You can do it all!!! I love your posts! 😊❤🌷

RoyceNewton profile image
RoyceNewton in reply to RoseySawyer

thank you very much

Lulu521 profile image

Hi RoyceNewton, It is Lulu 521. You absolutely should start a blog or write a book. I published my first solo book part one of a two-part series in 2017 on my Journey with multiple sclerosis. The first part is a chronological account from the beginning of my ms in 1979 up until just before publishing into 2017. I did self published through a publisher who is a very reliable, wonderful lady. She is an author of seven books, she has been a hospice care assistant for over 20 years, And she is a writing instructor at one of the local universities in her area. She has so much knowledge and such a huge heart. I know she will help you with starting a blog. You can get a hold of her at properPublishingLLC. Google will direct you to her site which will give you further information. Just let her know when you email her that the author from Miami with multiple sclerosis referred you. She will know exactly who you mean. You should absolutely start a blog or even write a book. In fact I will be talking to her this afternoon as the second part of my book is ready for her to get started on formatting and editing. She is a wonderful Loving compassionate person with Great knowledge on writing, publishing, starting blogs, teaching and just an all-around lovely human being. If you have trouble please get back with me. I know we are not supposed to identify ourselves on here more than our call name, but I believe you have great insight on multiple sclerosis and will be a great source for all of us on here and others to go to. Most of all it will free your own soul and give you peace and make you feel good about enlightening others in positive as well as honest feelings of what you go through in your own journey. I write every day and for everyone on here reading this, it is a wonderful outlet to release both positive and negative feelings. I also write a short gratitude entry in my journal at the end of each day on three positive things that made me happy during that day. They can be as simple as watching a butterfly flutter by your window, or a rainbow in the sky. The sky is the limit there are millions of reasons to smile in one day EVERY DAY! Thank you AlL for encouraging Royce To move forward with her gift of writing. Love Lulu 521 ❤️😊

Frances_B profile image

Go for it Royce, but whether it's a book or a blog - just one thing. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get rid of the /"YOU"/ thing and just use normal lower case (unless starting a sentence with that word!). I have OK eyesight but it is very hard on the eyes to read when you write it like that, especially when it is used frequently in sentences, and I ended up not bothering to read your posts simply because of that. It must be heaps worse for people who have vision problems. It also tends to detract from the message you are trying to convey. You've written before that you don't see it as "yelling" but that is the generally accepted interpretation of words in all upper case, and when you write /"YOU"/ it presents as if you are berating the reader, even if that is not your intention. Please take this comment in the spirit it is intended, from someone who has had to use word crafting skills for many years as part of earning their living.

You might find the following article interesting.

If you go for a blog, you might find the following website interesting - its all about the standard for website accessibility (WCAG), although as a personal project you wouldn't need to get fussed about it as it tends to only get applied to government and corporate websites etc, and is the Gold Standard which hardly anyone can fully achieve.

NOTE - edited to add the WCAG link that somehow dropped off my post

RoyceNewton profile image
RoyceNewton in reply to Frances_B

Understood, how do I emphasise the you then as I have no better idea, thanks for your advice.

Lulu521 profile image

Hi Royce, I will surely read if y do a blog. Please let us know. 🦋

RoyceNewton profile image
RoyceNewton in reply to Lulu521

I most certainly will

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