Went to the doc today and as usual, whats wrong today....Doc im sorry but I m so forgetful ..Doc: So what seems to be the problem?....What problem? arr arr arr ok may not be funny but the funny part is I was trying to remember it as I wrote it....Ive been distant and miss you all...Im a bit scared because they want to do all testing over again about ms after what 16 years.Scary part is Ive seen the MRIs...ive seen the lesions, lots.Ive been thru the slurs the not walking etc...my theory is there isn't anything that can be done that isn't done now.Ive almost died 3 times in these last years....im exhausted....but as the joke goes...I wont remember this anguish in 5 minutes?Maybe the Lord lets us forget for a purpose...boy dont mean to blame Him on all accounts for sure...Thankful....
Im here....: Went to the doc today and as... - My MSAA Community
Im here....

I can relate. I can remember pretty clearly what happened 40 or 50 years ago but not yesterday or earlier today. When my family and I moved about 3 years ago I forgot to pack my orthodics(leg braces that enable me to walk without tripping on my on feet.So I have to get another pair made. When ever I go any where I forget where we parked the car.
Nice to hear from you, but sad you’re not doing well 🥴. Sounds like cog-fog from this great MS😖. Maybe you need a different doctor, is this a neurologist that specializes in MS? How long you been since last MRI, maybe you’re due ? Buster looks great with that new Mohawk 😜🤣😂. Top photo he looks like you’re rug 😜😝😁. Looks like he gets to get dressed up 😊👍. Hope you get feeling better soon and stay in touch 🙏Ken 🐾🐾
Hi Jackie, sorry you have to go through it all again, sorry about the memory loss. I am ok long term, but I can forget where I have just put my phone down, my worry is short term memory loss, especially when cooking. It makes you feel down as well. On a positive note, if I didn’t have ms, I wouldn’t have met all you wonderful guys on this forum. Buster looks cute, keep in touch, when you remember, 😂 🤣Blessings Jimeka 🤗
Such a cutie! Good luck with your tests.
Praying things get better for you Jackie. I sympathize with you and memory problems. I forget the important things and remember the not so important ones.

jackiesj I am praying that you will get better. Your photos are very uplifting. Keep up the good fight.
🙏Praying here too jackiej, Hope U get better!💗💐Many Blessings! Love Ya!---Jazzy🌹💜
I get it! I'm praying for you nd for every one with a chronic illness like MS! I better pray right now or I might forget to latter(Sorry I know it's not funny)
I'm sorry you're having memory problems. Maybe a different Dr. would work for you. The pictures are adorable. Keep in touch.