This was not planned, just happened. And looking back I've learned something about managing my MS. Just sharing.
I traveled overseas for the holidays all happy from recent MRI showing no new or active MS lesions and full of energy to maintain daily exercise routine and diet while traveling.
Well, I failed on day 1. Then day 2... all the way to day 10. Breached the diet not too drastically but had desserts, meat, dairy (and enjoyed it). I did not feel like negotiating or fighting while everybody seemed so happy around the table. Exercise: I did none, nada, nothing.
Within 3 days, my physical MS symptoms showed up: mild tingling in the left foot, electricity in the knee, itching. What I worked on for months was gone.
Now I'm back home and within 4 days of old regimen: strict diet and daily exercise, symptoms are all gone again.
My learnings:
- DMD is just not enough to tackle MS but it seems essential in stopping further damage. It worked well for me with no new/active lesions in MRI within 6 months
- the damage that's done is done and there is no treatment to repair it to date. You have to make your own body work at it. There's no magic recipe either but it seems that exercise, diet, lifestyle, all seem to contribute and help.
So far I've been on the lucky side of MS with early DX and treatment that's effective and that I tolerate. Despite 20+ lesions in my brain (a moderate to severe load according to neuro), MS progression was stopped before the brain damage triggered major symptoms. I feel incredibly lucky and hope that MS newbies will be able to benefit as well from the latest treatments and advice from this community to manage symptoms.