Well, like an old ballad's refrain, don't do what I have done. I had a surgeon revisit on Thursday and will see him again just before Christmas. I'm still in a wheelchair and knee scooter; my right leg is still in a rigid, heavy, clumsy boot. But there is progress of a sort: I am weight bearing as tolerated. This seems to mean, if it hurts, don't do it. So far, it means that I can rest my right leg on the floor while standing on the left. It does feel good to stand upright and stretch my spine...but because my poor left leg has been doing all the work, after standing a few minutes it begins to feel as if it is on fire, then begins to quiver, forcing me to sit down in the wheelchair before I fall down again. Then I'd be in real trouble! Here's the timeline (fell on 9/13,11/10 still not walking): I had hoped I would be walking by Christmas but my GPS is recalibrating: maybe by Spring.
Update: Well, like an old ballad's refrain... - My MSAA Community

Get better soon! Rehab, rehab, rehab and strengthen that leg all u can so when u r weight bearing u will be ready and steady 👍
erash You are right, of course. My improvement depends on how much I am willing to do: leg lifts (straight leg & bent knee), toe pumps, ankle rotations, toe stretches and then there are the glutes, the abs, the bi and triceps...and some whose names I've forgotten but still need to work, strengthening and stretching. I'm acquiring a whole new vocabulary...beginning with "weightbearing as tolerated". But, since I can't do what I'd like to do outside, I'll do what I need to do, knowing every day that the only person who can make sure I'll walk again one of these days is me. The name of the game is will power.
Keep at it, you will get there, just be careful please.
You’ve sure had a rough recovery. I hope it smooths out and you can start getting around and feeling more stable.
greaterexp Your support helps a great deal! What would I do without forum friends to share with? Recovering's been more tedious and boring than anything else...I am so antsy to do something/anything except do my exercises and sit! My butt is so tired of sitting (even though I have an egg crate cushion in my wheelchair).
I love that you've been instructed to do this and that but, your body says "No, not right now - thanks" but you keep trucking along - that's the battle!
Prayers are with you and hope you get better soon 👍🙏🐾😉 Ken

Blessings, it is healing.
best wishes to a speedy recovery that is far overdue
You’re doing it right!
Well it sounds like you are making progress. Yeah! Don't you wish we were all younger because the young ones seem to heal so fast! I'm glad!