Constipation: Is there anyone who has... - My MSAA Community

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Nani5 profile image
28 Replies

Is there anyone who has found a treatment for constipation? I take 500mg.of magnesium, took mirilax but made me too loose.Glycerin suppositories help sometimes.I have had MS for 24 years and don't remember how my regularity was ( who thinks about it when they are healthy?) I always feel bloated or is it lack of muscle control? It is easy to blame everything on MS.

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Nani5 profile image
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28 Replies

My MSer took a generic stool softener from Walgreens that worked when she didn't go for a few days. Then there was the time she got blocked and the ER gave her a small bottle of something that cleaned her out so well that she could have had a colonoscopy -- without drinking the big bottle (4 liters?) of Miralax-type stuff.

ssdw1958 profile image
ssdw1958 in reply to

I had gas so bad I took gas x well let me tell you that is like taking the sam medicine when you have the rest for colonoscopy. It did work but. I will never use it again too pain full. I haven't found anything yet but I do have to say fruits works well sometimes. Good luck.

CalfeeChick profile image
CalfeeChickCommunityAmbassador in reply to ssdw1958

I started Linzess RX 10 days ago. I go 3 times, no discomfort. Then do it again every day. The RX is expensive though.

Fancy1959 profile image

Nani5, it's Fancy1959. I have one word that will fix your constipation, FIBER! You see, I had liver surgery up at the Cleveland Clinic in November of 2015. I am and I have always been my mother's daughter and that is constipated until I had surgery at the Cleveland Clinic. They introduced me to Benefiber. You put 2 teaspoons in the liquid of your choice three times a day. It has no taste and no sugar. It works in coffee, milk, sodas, water, etc. I stayed at the Cleveland Clinic for 8 days after surgery. I started the Benefiber on about day 4 and by day 7 I never looked back. I still take it one year later and I am more regular and go with more ease than I ever have in my entire life. I guarantee you Nani that if you buy a small thing of it and stay on it for 2 weeks you will never stop taking it. What have you got to lose a lifetime of constipation or 8 bucks. I picked the eight bucks! You can also take the Benefiber generic that Walmart or Kroger or Kmart, etc. puts out, it works just as well. And the generics are quite a bit cheaper. Make sure you don't touch the Metamucil fiber with a ten-foot pole. It does the opposite. It tends to block you up something fierce. Try it and let me how it works for you Nani.

CalfeeChick profile image

I am just 4 months into being diagnosed with MS, no stage defined yet. I wouldn't call myself constipated as the stool is normal, but the sphincter muscles aren't working to help move things along. My whole backside feels frozen. I take stool softeners at night to be able to go a little in the am. "Post" cereals makes a high fiber shredded wheat with added bran cereal that I eat every morning. 9 grams of fiber, no sugar content. It helps. I was taking Benefiber tablets but they didn't help as much. Will try the mix in liquid kind. Miralax and suppositories didn't help me. Hope you are able to find some relief. Lynn

WAshingtongirl profile image

Hi, Nani5, I have a neurogenic bladder and bowels. There's a break in the communication somewhere between them and the brain, so they don't function properly. Fiber bulking products, laxative teas, etc. don't work for me. All I get from them is intense cramping. Others have mentioned stool softeners. I take 300mg daily of generic Colace. (I love checking out at Costco with an industrial-size bottles of stool softeners and Miralax.) Stool softeners help soften the stools, but won't help them move along and out, if MS is causing a motility problem. (A gastroenterologist can run tests to check for this.) My neuro recommended amitiza my gastroenterologist prescribed 24mg taken twice daily, after smaller dosages did nothing. I still need to supplement that with miralax when a few days pass without results, but that sure beats two weeks without going at all! The amitiza hasn't caused loose stools or cramping, and I haven't noticed any adverse side effects. I've been on it since January. Talk to your neuro about your constipation. He/she may want to confirm the cause, but from what I understand, constipation is common among MSers. I hope you get answers and relief soon.

I went vegan.

ItsChris profile image

My GI doc has Me taking Miralax daily - the gut does not adapt to this as it will softners and other laxatives, thus loosing efficacy

I absolutely agree regarding diet, but sometimes life gets in the way. Acknowledging this:

You may want to consider using a digital food scale when measuring out the dose of Miralax- maybe even consider a few grams less and be diligent on consumption every day. See how your body responds. I just add mine to the morning cup of coffee.

In severe cases I use a stool softener. For a more rapid response I use Milk of Magnesia. For regularity however, I eat spicy foods, as the capsaicin in hot peppers increases gut motility. I find that constipation definitely increases if I abstain from spicy foods, and goes away as soon as I start again. Of course you do need to enjoy spicy foods otherwise this is of no help. You can buy capsaicin pills as an alternative although I think this is an expensive solution if you are just trying to avoid the taste of spicy foods.

KDenes profile image

If you take too much Magnesium supplements will make your stool loose. I take Miralax every other day and take Magnesium Chloride every day. Greek yogurt or probiotics daily, plenty of fiber foods and water and I bet you will see a comfortable and more regular result.

I have had MS 25 years and have incontinence at times :( But I was also diagnosed with gastroparesis of the upper stomach. One Doctor said it was MS related, but my Neurologist said it wasn't. So who knows.

in reply to KDenes

I know this is an old thread, and hope this will be read, but I have tried everything for severe and chronic constipation. Fiber supplements only make things worse. Prunes, Flaxseed oil, Coconut oil, veggies, fruit, grains, bran cereal, nothing works. Benefiber, Citrucel. Even tried Linzess. I'm at a loss of what to do. Doctor's are dismissive of me. Just had colonoscopy, two weeks ago, two polyps were found, but mom cancerous. Gastroenterologist very unhelpful. He just told me "more fiber, exercise, water" I exercise 5 days a week since I don't have transportation. Walk a mile 5 days a week, drink 8-10 glases of water, grapes, strawberries, raisins, just incomplete bowel movements, and if I do go it might be once a week, and I have to strain, with small pellets, or longer stools that can't come out all the way (sorry for TMI). Have to take Senna-Lax on weekends at recommended dose just to flush. (It was prescribed to me by a Doctor). I hate to take laxatives, but I have tried everything and have nowhere to turn. Gastro has referred me to Colon and rectal specialist. Said I had large internal hemmorrhoids, but I can't have surgery right now, as I live in housing due to disability and have to attend mandatory groups 3-4 days a week. If we miss three, we get written up and lose our housing. Even if I do get the surgery I will still strain, it will be very painful and hemmorrhoids will only come back. I have run out of options. I noticed you mentioned magnesium Cloride. Does this help with bowel movements? I just ordered and got a bottle of magnesium glycinate. Supposed to help with insomnia, stress, anxiety and constipation I have been having. Have also heard Omega 3 fatty acids work as well for stress and constipation, so going to take Cod Liver Oil, lemon flavored. Has the magnesium Cloride helped?

Nani5 profile image

Thanks to all. Glad that I'm not alone.I will try benefiber.

kdali profile image

I eat mostly plants and avoid fake foods. I hope you find something that helps!

vmize profile image

I use a miracle suppository called Magic Bullet wirks in 10 min. I swear by it.

Jesmcd2 profile image

I just get fiber flakes and sprinkle it on my food. But l eat alot of fruit also. Not so big on veggies.

raegun67 profile image

I use psyllium fiber. It adds bulk if loose and adds fluid if too dry. Drink plenty of fluids. That combo is the only thing to keep me "regular." That is, of course, if regular is every 3-5 days. My body goes when it is ready, I just have to get where I need to be when it happens. I can't strain or anything, just can't figure how to make those muscles move. My body does all the work when it's ready, I just have to sit and be patient.

sammagolicat profile image

Try Senna (natural vegetable laxative). Easy tablets to take as needed. Not near as harsh as stool softener and you can take more or less as needed.

Lizamy_5 profile image
Lizamy_5 in reply to sammagolicat

Hi sammagolicat and welcome to our chat. I noticed that this was your first post and wanted to welcome you. I have to ask, does the Senna really work? I use the correctal when needed but l cant say lm a Hugh fan. Welcome again and don't be a stranger.

in reply to Lizamy_5

Yes! I have been taking Senna-Lax at the advice of a Doctor. It works extremely well. I have been on it for three years. I am supposed to take it daily, but it is a stimulant laxative, so I just take it on weekends, usually on a Saturday night at Bedtime, just be sure you have nowhere to go the next day and be at home to be near a toilet. You may have some diarrhea, but it is not "explosive", don't let any negative reviews on this laxative scare you. I have a very sensitive stomach and I can tolerate it. Just take the recommended dose. Start off with 2 at bedtime. It has been three years, and I just now increased the dose to 3, still much less than the maximum dose. It is safe to take on a weekly basis, but try not to take it more than twice a week. I take three with 2 glasses of water about 11pm. It takes 6-12 hours to work. In my case it starts working in about 7 hours and I am pretty much on the toilet all day. No pain, no cramping. No gas. Sweating, nausea. I set my alarm for 4am. Make a pot of coffee which helps move things along. Make sure to drink plenty of water, or powerade or G2 (preferably sugarfree) for electrolytes during the day. About 4 pm, I feel so much better. I have tried fiber supplements, Milk of Magnesia, Miralax, Linzess, but nothing seems to work as well as Senna-Lax. It is amazing.

mepilot61 profile image

Nani 5, I saw your post about indigestion. I just wanted to let you know I take a digestive enzyme after I eat every time, and IT keeps me regular. It is also a probiotic. I order it through Amazon. A pilot buddy of mine told me about it, and it REALLY helps me!! If you can't get that, just take probiotic. Those work well too!! Good luck!!

esalcido profile image

Probiotics!!! I take the just once a day and that helps for sure!GOOD LUCK!:)

in reply to esalcido

I know I am late in responding. But I have tried all types of Probiotic yogurts with live active cultures, just incomplete bowel movements, if any at all. Have tried L. Acidolphilus supplement to no avail. There are so many probiotics supplements out there, very confusing as to which one can help with IBS-C. Can you tell me which one you take?

esalcido profile image
esalcido in reply to

Dr. Ohhira Probiotics, go to this website and you will see all different varieties...good luck!:)

in reply to esalcido

I think I did see this, googled probiotics once, this was in the top 5, researched it online, it was expensive..I'm on fixed income. Will take another mentioned all different types, if you could name the one you take, that works for you, I would be very many out there. Thanks.

timandlisa66 profile image

I take a probiotic in the day, and a stool softener at night. This is the only thing that works for me without feeling sick. Hope that helps. :)

CalfeeChick profile image

Nani5 I have not had any relief since I went numb almost 2 years ago. I have an appointment with a gastroenterologist next week. In the meantime, I am taking 4 stools softeners each night and once or twice a week, I take 2 "gentle" laxatives. I spend the next day privately using the bathroom frequently and feel much better for a few days until it starts all over. A vicious cycle, I'm hoping the dr will have some ideas that I will be able to pass along.

CalfeeChick profile image

After almost 2 years of suffering with chronic constipation, I went to a gastroenterologist less than 2 weeks ago. He started me on Linzess. It works! You take 1 capsule first thing in am with glass of water. I usually go 3 times then done til next morning. No discomfort at all. Only negative is the cost. My copay is $42.00. I will soon hit the donut hole and it will be over $100. A month. Not sure what I will do then.

CalfeeChick profile image

I don’t know where I found it, but it was on a MSAA search, it says the colon & lower intestines don’t receive the nerve signals to move things along. Therefore, things build up.

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