Just got out of the hospital I have pneumonia. Found out because my whole body went to a spasm fell out of bed had to call nine-one-one just got home today was in there 4 days it made me very very weak
Not really a question: Just got out of... - My MSAA Community
Not really a question

What’s caused the pneumonia? Have you been ill? I am sorry that you have had to go in hospital, but you were in the right place. Now rest up and regain some strength, blessings Jimeka 🤗 🍫
Hope you're back on your feet before too long!
Pneumonia is no fun. Been there done that right along with frost bite on my hands and feet. Get lots of rest and drink lots of water and juices. It will help you feel better faster.
I got pneumonia about 4years ago I was in the hospital for 8 days and out of work about another 6 weeks that takes so much out of you. I also have asthma. You might want to have a chest x-ray if your not getting better to make sure your lungs are clearing up. This might sound disgusting but make sure you are getting mulish out of your lungs. If that stuff settles in your lungs you’ll be back in the hospital.
I hope you feel better.
Yes I was in the hospital for 4 days they say wait 6 weeks for another chest x-ray. I have my regular doctor's appointment this Friday. I'm doing everything the doctor said so I don't end up back in the hospital thank you for your well wishes
Wishing you the very best!
Now listen to your Doctors - Rest your body and let it heal
Take Care of You
REDLIPS44 Pneumonia's very difficult. And whole body spasms awful to contemplate. Take it easy, don't overdo during recovery, and regain strength and energy. We all wish you well.
Yes the whole body spasm was awful. I use a walker 24/7 my legs didn't want to work that's how I fell off the bed. Thank you so much for your well wishes
Oh, dear! I’m so sorry you’ve been so sick. Thinking about how painful spasms in just one area can be, I can’t imagine having them everywhere at once.
Stay safe and get better quickly!
I was in the hospital with pneumonia about a year ago. Almost to the day. Did they send u home with oxygen?
I feel ya. It took a long time and a lot of hard work to get back to myself. You r in for a hard road but dont give up it does get better.
If u need to talk please private message me. I am here for u 💜
So much thank you. They did not send me home with oxygen but I did get an inhaler. I will see my primary care physician on Friday. Thank you again
This will sound odd, but I'm glad you fell out of bed! That way they found it and could treat it. Get better soon!
It is odd but so true if I hadn't fell out of bed I would have never known I had pneumonia. And I have been so weak thank