When I read mrsmike’s post today, I decided to share a funny story with all of you. Quite a while ago, months ago, I was having terrible bowel problems, still having them. But I never shared this ridiculous story with you all. I saw a specialist and he ordered a test called a defogram. I had to go to the hospital, drink a giant jug of barium solution. Sat for an hour, went to the procedure room where there is a toilet up on a platform, like a throne, you climb three steps to get to it! They said they had to put barium up my bum, the tech had this little bit in a syringe and I thought that was it. Then they pointed to a GIANT bag hanging and said THAT was going in me. After that I had to climb on my throne and go in front of five people while they watched the function on the computer! If I could do that, I swear I can do anything! 🤣🤣🤣 So utterly humiliating! Hope you can laugh with me! Kelly
Funny Story: When I read mrsmike’s post... - My MSAA Community
Funny Story

😐 aww Amore55 just don't know what to say here. 😐 Except that i am so, so🤔 um,sorry,😐😏😐that yo☺️😄you had to🤣😂🤣😭😂 go through that!
Ok I tried not to laugh! But it's your fault!🤗💕
😀😀😀😀forgive me for laughing. It’s really crazy, I did something like that when I was being evaluated before I was officially diagnosed. I was having bowel issues so the doctor sent me to have a test. I had to drink two nice size containers of Barium. Now it was hard enough drinking this nasty chalk like drink in 15-30min. After drinking it they put me in a movable x-ray machine and took like 10-20 X-rays. They turned me standing, sideways and even upside down. After the procedure I was warned that when I finally go to bathroom to not be alarmed because everything will be white for awhile 😀. For three days I was dropping white things. I started getting worried because I’m thinking they gave me something that caused everything to come out white forever (lol). The test and things we do to get diagnosed 🤫.
what was the point of it? That really does call for a crude x rated joke. Pity you did not have warning, we could have thought one up. Have to think of one for if they ever do that to me.
oh my, yes..flashback of the test....we all have been thru it haven't we!WAY TO GO PEEPS!
Reminds of having dreams about not being able to go because the toilet was out in the open. This is the nightmare version.
Oh Amore! You have to laugh or else you would cry. These tests they give you, when I was having bowel problems, they had me upside down, a tube up my bum, taking pictures, i think it was a sigmoidoscope, painful. What we have to put up with. What makes it worse, is if they send you some dishy young male doctor. Thanks for the laugh, hope things are settling for you. Blessings Jimeka 🦋 🍫
😂😂😂😂 Another funny, my husband was going to dentist, he took his toothbrush but forgot toothpaste, so he stopped by office which is closer to dentist, he figured someone would have toothpaste in bathroom, he found a tube in bathroom drawer and filled toothbrush, while brushing teeth, he decided it was like no toothpaste he ever tasted so he looked a tube again. It was hemaroid cream.😂😂😂
Hope I never have to have that test,but we do what we have to😁😂😂😂😂
That is too funny.😂
Maybe it works for swollen gums as well as swollen hemroids.😊
Sorry, that was awful but funny!🤣😂
😂😂😂😂 Another funny, my husband was going to dentist, he took his toothbrush but forgot toothpaste, so he stopped by office which is closer to dentist, he figured someone would have toothpaste in bathroom, he found a tube in bathroom drawer and filled toothbrush, while brushing teeth, he decided it was like no toothpaste he ever tasted so he looked a tube again. It was hemaroid cream.😂😂😂
Hope I never have to have that test,but we do what we have to😁😂😂😂😂
You’re so sweet to share your story to give us a chuckle. I’m sorry it’s at your expense.
Did you hear about the constipated mathematician? He’s all right now; he worked it out with pencil and paper.
Sorry. That’s not even third grade humor.
Awwww bless u Kelly u are definitely a queen for sitting on that throne! 😊😊😊😊👸👸👸👸 xxxx
Kelly, it's funny now looking back at it but I can only imagine how embarrassing it was at the time you were experiencing it. Sometime doctors can have the worst bedside manner. There had to be a way to do the procedure and give you some assemblance of dignity while you're doing it! Fancy!
Well, that's a pretty Shi**ty test! Thank you for the good laugh. As I was reading through your post, kept thinking that if it were me that the moment I had to strain to climb up to the throne, I would have lost it all right there.
Brought back memories of a similar test for urinary pblms. Dr practically begged me to consent. Didn't tell me what was involved. I too remember some throne people watching, shooting fluid in my private parts and trying to urinate, with 5 people watching you. Dx : didn't see what they anticipated and told me I made a lot of urine, which I do, about 30 x/day. I didn't need a test for that conclusion
They did nothing else.
Prefer not to take a drug, just plan my life around "john". I prefer to pee than have to catherize.
I think some drs have favorite tests. May or may not be related to your issue. Anyway God is good and we can offer this to him. His son suffered more than us.
Hope they used the info to your benefit.
Peace and joy, bonnie
I know you said you had a laugh but I am sorry you had to go thru that with so many people in the room, Hope your test went well.
OMG. Please, God. Don't make me do this! The ER was bad enough!