Like the growing number of us in the chat room who are on the DMT Ocrevus, the cost for the drug and the infusion can become totally overwhelming. The medicine prices for MS run extremely high. Most of us are not in a position to have a spare $50,000 to $60,000 a month to spend on our MS DMT. I pray that most of you understand that you need to go through your doctor's office to ask the manufacturer of ocrevus for copay assistance for the drug itself. It normally is available if you simply ask unless you are from an extremely wealthy family.
The second part of the cost equation is the cost that racks up when taking the infusion itself. To go to a hospital and go to an infusion center and be there for some place between 4 to 6 hours with a nursing staff watching you the cost runs up into double digits very quickly. I know that there were many people in the chat room who were asking questions if assistance was available on the actual infusion itself. And if there was assistance where could it be found. I have some information to pass along that might be useful to any and all who are currently on ocrevus and who are looking for help with the infusion portion of the drug.
Jes spoke to Emily, and per Emily @ MSAA, the client Services team there recommendation is to try contacting the patients assistance program with the drug company, Genentech. Genentech access Solutions can be found at 1 - 844- 627- 3887.
There are also multiple nonprofit organizations out there that assist people that suffer from many different chronic illnesses with their medication Etc. There are four different non-profit organizations that accept MS patients as part of their assistance program. Now before I pass the phone numbers and names along I want to stress that these are nonprofit organizations and all the money they have to give out are done through grants or donations. So there is only a limited amount of money that is available for MS patients depending on donations and grant to the MS fund. So they fill up quick and they have no more spots or money available to give out if you wait very long to check on them. I would be making some phone calls and checking to see when their year opens to request for assistance with MS infusions. The process of getting the grant is not very difficult but the process of finding one of these nonprofit organizations with money left in their MS fund can be difficult. So call them all and find out when they start accepting names for MS copay assistance with infusions and get on their list. Here goes the list:
Help Well @ 1-800-675-8416.
Patient Access Network or PAN Foundation Org. @ 1-866-316-7263.
Patient Advocate Foundation @ 1-866-512-3861.
The Assistance Fund @ 1-877-245-4412.
To give you an example the Patient Advocate Foundation funds for Ms were gone this year by April 2nd of 2018. They don't hang around long so call early in the year. The last idea I have is that this year I actually got assistance through the hospital that I had my infusion at.
It seems that hospitals are starting to realize how important assistances is for chronic illnesses and offering it to make sure that everyone has access to the medicines they need. I had already contacted all the non-profit organizations and none of them have funds left for any MS Infusion in 2018. I was rather upset and thought I couldn't afford to have the Ocrevus infusion start. My MS Nurse Coordinator in my doctor's office then told me to contact the hospital that I do my infusion at and go through their Patient Assistance Office and check on getting copay assistance with them for my infusion. Well it worked. They didn't quite cover all the cost but they cover a very large majority of it. This assistance helped to make the infusion affordable and allowed me to keep me on the therapy I needed to be on. There are always new nonprofit organizations popping up. So if you call the ones listed above only to find their MS funds are gone, always ask them if they know of anyone else out there that you might get assistance from.
The only thing I asked if you if you get additional nonprofit organizations phone numbers please pass them along to the rest of the chat room. That way if anybody else is still searching for assistance they can try them as well. I hope this information helps and if I come upon any other I will be sure and pass it along. Remember together we are stronger! Fancy.