Kissing my G.R.I.T.s: GA. How is everyone... - My MSAA Community

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Kissing my G.R.I.T.s

Atlproctor profile image
47 Replies

GA. How is everyone doing?

Let's talk about food.

Has anyone significantly changed their diet since being diagnosed?

I have... .

But not b/c of MS, but b/c of allergies and age. However, the deletion of these foods has helped in fighting my MS.

O. Here is LooCee right before her afternoon nap.

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Atlproctor profile image
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47 Replies
kdali profile image

I’ve changed diet a few times and I’ll do it again if it doesn’t suit me anymore. For now, it’s helping tremendously.

LooCee BOOP!

Atlproctor profile image
Atlproctor in reply to kdali


What did you add or delete??

I gave up starch. I also gave up frozen processed foods.

kdali profile image
kdali in reply to Atlproctor

Hahahah! I don’t even have a dog, but I do love them so much!

I went crazy keto, almost seizure protocol level, and I feel like I have much of my life back! Before that I did OMS, plants plus fish.

I’m glad you have made improvements, that you can feel the difference, and you are here sharing your truth! 😍

My next chapter has begun: lifting weights.

Atlproctor profile image
Atlproctor in reply to kdali


You have done alot.

I can not do weights, but I do an older exercise program from the 1980's called "Callenetics"

( hope I spelled that right?)

Plants plus fish? Is that a formal program or something you are doing on your own?

kdali profile image
kdali in reply to Atlproctor

I don’t feel like it is though! It’s easy compared to all the MS possibilities that we don’t get a choice in. This is easier than OMS even, though I do miss my veggie stir fry and bowls of fresh fruit, because I feel so much better. I’m starting to associate all other foods and alcohol with feeling terrible. Funny thing, I started drinking wine because of a study that said it was good for MS.

Apparently I can’t do them either! I’ve never been this weak before in my memory. My body started changing 6 months ago and I guess this new normal is going to stick. I started on Sunday, did very little, and am still feeling it today. That’s ok, it means progress will be better appreciated, albeit slower. I do have less back pain now! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

Yes!! My mom had that on VHS, it’s a blue box with a lady wearing a high waisted leotard?

Plants plus fish sums up OMS (Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis by George Jelenik), but it includes vitamin D, meditation, exercise, moderate alcohol of you want, and flax oil supplementation....and all the legit research behind his recommendations.

He has MS, he watched his mom suffer with it, and he’s the head of an Aussie medical research publication. He looks good! 😂😂😂 Sorry, MS pun there, no one shoot me for that, it was sarcasm.

I’ve posted a few videos from their YouTube channel and links to their website in the past, if you are interested.

Atlproctor profile image
Atlproctor in reply to kdali

I need to look at the YouTube posts.

Your attempt at sarcasm was funny. Very funny. I actually use to head-up a support group with that same title. "O but you look so good".

I am sorry you have not been well.

Having relapses is the absolute pits. I hate it. Sometimes I even feel guilty when I have one. Don't bother to ask me why. I don't understand it either.

Yes you're right she has on pink and blue. Very 80's.

kdali profile image
kdali in reply to Atlproctor

Thank you! 😁

No, I get it. If you were fighting hard enough you wouldn’t relapse?

😂😂😂 I knew it!

Atlproctor profile image
Atlproctor in reply to kdali

Relapses are gonna happen.

They are like the mail be it rain..sleet...snow. But, instead

for us, it's seemingly healthy

body, steady walk, or high energy

( I am being facetious w/all those things).

Relapses are gonna happen.

kdali profile image
kdali in reply to Atlproctor

Can I get a reverse relapse?! 😂😂😂

Atlproctor profile image
Atlproctor in reply to kdali

OM Goodness.


If you find one let me know.

Geez, that would be lovely.

I am gonna start another topic tomorrow that I think everyone will be interested in.

But, let me ask you... .

Do you think there is an herbal/vitamin protocol for MS'ers?

For instance, I have been told vitamin D and omega's are good for us. I have tried to get these thru food.

What are your thoughts?

kdali profile image
kdali in reply to Atlproctor

I can’t decide what I would reverse first, the vision loss or the whatever my legs not working right is called.

I think plenty here are interested and there’s a variety of things taken among this crew. I think that there’s enough research on vitamin D and having a decent balance of fats that all people should be taking care of those things, but the vitamin D blood levels may need to be higher for people with MS. Mine is 73, I’m beyond stoked because my goal was 60. OMS is a goal of 20ml flax oil per day for people with MS. CBD oil is used by some here orally, and it also has a good fat profile.

Other vitamins people here use are biotin and magnesium. I’m not sure about a specific protocol for everyone with MS since their diets, medications, and goals may require adjustments. The source of vitamins is very important also.

Atlproctor profile image
Atlproctor in reply to kdali

I would say vision loss is the worst.

Thank you for the vitamin D explanation.

I agree with you that the vitamin source is extremely important.

I think that there can be some kind of vitamin/herbal basic profile that we can all start talking about.

It may not work for everybody, but just something basic? Do you know of anybody who's come up with anything? I don't.

kdali profile image
kdali in reply to Atlproctor

It’s a great idea, but I don’t know of any. The brain supplements that I’ve seen (possibly good for cogfog?) are mostly nootropics and maybe b vitamins.

carolek572 profile image

Yes, I have changed my diet since my diagnosis and I am feeling so much better. First, I eliminated all wheat and gluten. I have a gluten sensitivity. Now, back in 2006, there were not too many options but now there is. So, adhering to this gf diet was hard. I also am lactose intolerant since birth. I never really ingested too much milk but since there are lactose free products readily available, I can go lactose free without too much problem. To answer your question, yes, I do feel much better.

LooCee looks gorgeous and ready for her photo shoot!😎

Atlproctor profile image
Atlproctor in reply to carolek572

Honey, she is a mess. Now, that she has new earrings.. . She wants all eyes on her.

Ok, so I have seen and read about alot of MS'ers doing this. Going gf...I mean

I have never tried it.

However, not until you mentioned it did I realize I have been lactose free for years. Something happened with my digestion about 15 years ago. Don't ask me what? I don't know? But suddenly I could not deal with a lot of dairy. I didn't eat a lot of it to begin with so eliminating it wasn't that big of a deal. So, I'm also lactose free. Again, with these eliminations from my diet I've notice that it's easier to fight the MS. And I don't have as many relapses.

carolek572 profile image
carolek572CommunityAmbassador in reply to Atlproctor

I have heard that there is a test available over the counter that you can take and it will tell you what you should avoid. Or an allergist can help with that. But whatever you do, discuss with your doctor first.

Can you ask Locke where she found her earrings, please? They are very fetching on her! 😎

Atlproctor profile image
Atlproctor in reply to carolek572

Yes. I know an allergist can. I did not know about an OTC you could buy.

Do you know the name of the test?

LooCee ( aka the shalalai ) got the earrings from Amazon. I would have to look up the name of the seller.

carolek572 profile image
carolek572CommunityAmbassador in reply to Atlproctor

I just noticed that spell check changed Loocee to Locke! I apologize! And now that l know where she bought her earrings, I can certainly look for them myself. 😉

As for the allergy test, there is one available that l know of called IdentAllergy. I am sure that there are many others, and I cannot vouch for this particular one as I haven’t tried it ~ yet.

Atlproctor profile image
Atlproctor in reply to carolek572

NW about the spelling.

I am gonna look for that test at Walgreens. I am sure I could find that 1. Or at least one that's similar to it.

carolek572 profile image
carolek572CommunityAmbassador in reply to Atlproctor

Let me know what you decide to do. Thank you for this interesting discussion.


Atlproctor profile image
Atlproctor in reply to carolek572


I will let you know.

Jazzyinco profile image

Yes, Altproctor, I too want no RX's & managing it M.onSterrorist all naturally!🍀🌲🌳🌼🌵🍄🌺🌻 I love this new diet, GF & Dairy Free & all organics, i am really starting to feel better, I was Progressed (alittle) & now, I think i am reversing it... I eat all veggies spinache, Kale, Brussel Sprouts & fruits, Lemon, orange mango, cranberry, strawberry, blue berry i juice & take up to Vitamin D3 20,000 i.u's, Vit C, Vitamin B12, a great multi-vitamin w/just enough 250 mcg of biotin,magnesium, calcium, magnese, Chlorella, Spirulina, & E, 350 iu's, & Beet Juice (totally helps our blood brain barrier) & mitochondria! My hubby has been trying to get me on this type of diet for over 23years. He's an Herbal Doctor...😻😸😺😄😃😀😍❤💜💙💛 I'd rather do all of this the rest of my life, than be a human pin cushion & guinea pig for the AmeriCON Murder Association! Hugs, Prayers, Blessings & Love!💜😍😄---Jazmine Rose

Atlproctor profile image


I wanna be you when I grow up.


That is amazing.

I do take a B12 shot monthly.

Tell me what is the vitamin D good for??

Jazzyinco profile image

Vitamin D3 is great for remylanation, many of us had blood tests in the very beginning of our Roller Coaster Ride for diagnoses, well, usually if our Vit. D level was low, it was causing our pains as our mylan sheath was being destroyed in our Central Nervous System. So, Suppliment w/vit.D3 to get that back, I also take. HTP-5 A neuro transmitter! Helps @ night h.s. for sleep help...too oh & Lion's mane mushroom!🍄😻😸😃😀😍Blessings---JR

Atlproctor profile image
Atlproctor in reply to Jazzyinco

I take the 5-HTTP as well.

Thank you for the information on the Vitamin D.

So, my next question... .

What foods have high vitamin D levels?

dogdaddy profile image
dogdaddy in reply to Atlproctor

I had to look that one up!

Jazzyinco profile image
Jazzyinco in reply to Atlproctor

Atlproctor, the best foods high in D are like avacados, fresh fish like sardines (in a glass jar), fresh salmon, Walnuts, & almonds...Reason why a drink nut type milks, oh hemp milk is real good too.😍 Much Love, Prayers🙏& Blessings---Jazmine Rose

Atlproctor profile image
Atlproctor in reply to Jazzyinco

I'm so sorry it's taken me a while to respond. Place forgive me. Up in in the hospital. Everyone keeps talking about these sardines in a glass jar. I've never seen this. Can someone take a picture?

erash profile image

Great discussion! I am mostly grain,dairy, processed food free. Lots fruit/veg, lean protein, WATER.

I try to limit salt and note next day MS effects if I overdo salt.

Used to have rare glass wine but it affects my walking too much.

Supplements: D3, magnesium, fish oil, probiotics

Biotin (hi dose compounded) and ALA have been recommended for MS

Be active! Whatever that means for u. I used to run marathons and lift heavy weights. Now try to walk mile a day, and do other free group and individual senior exercise classes (try to keep up with the 80 yr olds. Fortunately they’re not judgmental and there’s much laughing which is also good medicine.

I meditate daily. Recently turned on to Emmett Millers YouTube hypnosis for stress relief 👍

Because MS can lead to decreased muscle innervation, weight lifting is important to preserve any muscle mass and control you still have. Helps balance, and mobility and decreases. falls. Work up to as heavy as u can and take rest breaks @kdali

Ok, off my soap box 😜

kdali profile image
kdali in reply to erash

I’m aiming for walking 2 miles when it’s not raining. It’s been two days since my first day back with weights and I don’t feel as abused so I will do another round of weights today. I have endurance, but breaks are required. I’m trying to train smart also; get the most bang for my buck by lifting slowly and doing exercise while fasted.

I’ve appreciated all your posts about exercise! I love that you go to a senior center 😍 I’m hoping to rehab myself or at least prevent further decline 😵

Atlproctor profile image
Atlproctor in reply to erash

Hey. NW. No one thought anything about soap box. You gave very good information. I noticed you are another person who said magnesium is important. I take magnesium 3x a day.

erash profile image

P.S. beautiful doggy!

Atlproctor profile image
Atlproctor in reply to erash

TY. LooCee is a princess.

BoniSue profile image

I have been eating a lot more vegies and fruits trying to make sure I get all my vitamins since I can not take most multi vitamins. I do exercise too but I have weakness in my arms and legs so I do a light weight program that the trainer helped me with and at home I have a stress ball that I roll around with my foot to help with spasticity.

Atlproctor profile image
Atlproctor in reply to BoniSue

Do multi's make you hungry?

What types of foods do you eat?

Any fav recipes?

MarkUpnorth profile image

Yes. Decades after diagnosis & DMT's & side effect drugs, did a major diet change out of necessity. Could only juice fruits & veggies for years to keep from going comatose daily. Now fully committed to eating healthy regular non-processed food, primarily paleo, changed slowly, for the better. Big time. Still years of m.s. "battle wounds", but no more relapses, no drugs, and improving! YES, diet matters! Doc's are talking more and more about how diet affects health more than drugs. Doubt I could have done it except out of necessity. DO IT!

Atlproctor profile image
Atlproctor in reply to MarkUpnorth

Wow! No drugs or relapes... . Congrats!!

Could you give more info on paleo diet? What makes a good for people with multiple sclerosis?

sashaming1 profile image

Yes. "Against All Grains" diet.

Lewis60 profile image

What were the changes?

lbenmaor profile image

Through the many years of having MS, I've learned that foods with Vitamin D truly help.


Atlproctor profile image
Atlproctor in reply to lbenmaor

Could you give me a list of those foods?

lbenmaor profile image
lbenmaor in reply to Atlproctor

Tuna Fish, Salmon, Cottage Cheese ,Milk Mushrooms and Alpha Omega 3 found in Flax Plus Multibran cereal.

Romaine Lettuce Tomatoes Oatmeal and peppers are healthy.

Atlproctor profile image
Atlproctor in reply to lbenmaor

I can do Romaine Lettuce Tomatoes Oatmeal and peppers. But. Tuna Fish, Salmon, and Milk I have allergies. Infact, I love oatmeal!!

lbenmaor profile image
lbenmaor in reply to Atlproctor

I love Oatmeal as well. Every morning when possible. Cottage cheese has a lot of Vitamin D.

Have you tried that?

Atlproctor profile image

I love oatmeal as well. I have not tried cottage cheese. Actually, the only time I ever eat it is what I make lasagna. But maybe I should try it by itself?

kdali profile image
kdali in reply to Atlproctor

Yes! There’s a dairy near me and theirs is so good! Some people put fruit on theirs, etc, but I’m not there yet 😂

Atlproctor profile image

O. Wow. You can get the really fresh cottage cheese. I bet that tastes great.

Not what you're looking for?

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