Had a great job as a Union electrician, just got married & bought a house then less then a year later was diagnosed with MS!
Diagnosed in ‘04. 1 year after my wife &... - My MSAA Community
Diagnosed in ‘04. 1 year after my wife & I got married & bought a house!

Sickboy516 I am so sorry this nasty disease cut into your life the way it did. I hope your Dr. has helped you find a DMT that has slowed its progress and enabled you to lead a productive life.
That's the way with MS, isn't it? I guess there is never a good time to hear that diagnosis, but it's really hard when you start feeling like you've got the world by the tail, only to find that it has you.
I hope you have lots of good support as you go through this process. I come here often for that wonderful support.
You’re in the right place to vent your disappointment and frustration. We don’t judges . We only try to lift each other up and support those who need it.
There are a lot of good people here and a world of knowledg.
We are here anytime you need us.
God bless
I’m blessed to have a wonderful supportive wife, family and friends. A couple of years ago I took Lemtrada. It’s my 4th DMT & other than having to have my blood drawn every month for 4 yrs it’s worked great!

Hi Sickboy516 nice to meet you, well, eh you get it. 🙄
I'm always happy to hear when someone says they have a Wonderful support group! It's so important! ☺
4 DMTs huh? I'm on my 1st. Well, I'm glad that yours is working for you!
Hope you hang out for awhile, we have alot to share, and not to mention the support of other MSrs.