Yes, like many, I have an itchy scalp. Sometimes I feel like if I don't wash my hair I will go crazy!
Yes, like many, I have an itchy scalp. Sometimes I feel like if I don't wash my hair I will go crazy!
Ok I have to say I sometimes have to scratch my head also with some people saying this happens to them and I know it’s not from dirty hair. I was unsure if it had anything to do with MS. maybe it does!
I thought it was crazy-being related to MS but according to the internet it
says it's a type of itching that can happen with people who have MS . Who
would ever think?? When it happens to me I say I can wash it and then I'm all set. I thought it was just because of the weather and a dirty scalp.
lbenmaor I had brain surgery about 3 years ago, and I blamed my itchy scalp on the scars from the surgery. Then I started to read about MS itchyness, and I started to also get a lot of itchy spots on my face and armpits and realized it was yet another symptom of this disease we share.
Just out of curiosity, what kind of shampoo do you use? There are so many out there can be damaging to your scalp that will make your head itch uncontrollably. I've been a cosmetology instructor for 5 years & my husband has been for 15 years. So when I hear of people with scalp, hair and skin problems that's the first thing I ask.
It could be. Pantene is one of the worst shampoos you can use. They have a wax that builds up on your scalp and hair. That would make your scalp itch because it isn't getting any air due to the wax covering. The volumizing part of the shampoo is also damaging to your hair. It opens the cuticle. For those of you that haven't been to beauty school, the hair shaft looks like a palm tree trunk. If the cuticle is open it looks fatter and rough. When the cuticle is closed the hair shaft is smooth and slick. An open cuticle will make highlighted hair break off eventually because it can't hold any moisture. It will also make hair color fade as it can't hold the color in.
The next worst shampoo is Herbal Essence, Dove, Suave, Aussie, etc. Any of the shampoos that you buy in the grocery store are really bad for hair and scalp. They are full of waxes and petroleum products. The only product you can buy in the grocery store I could recommend is Infuseum. For good hair and scalp care go to your salon and buy Redken, Aquage, All Nutrient, Biologe(Matrix) or Kendra. Most of the others are full of petroleum products and waxes. Do not buy Head and Shoulders, T-Gel for dandruff. If you use a good shampoo you won't have "dandruff" because you scalp won't be dry. "Dandruff" shampoos will make your scalp worse. It feels better as long as you use it but as soon as you stop you will itch and flake again for at least 2 to 4 weeks until you get your scalp normalized with good shampoo.
Just an FYI Johnsons Baby Shampoo is the harshest shampoo of ALL shampoos. It keeps "cradle cap" away. It doesn't burn their eyes because it has novocaine in it.
I hope this helps.
You are right on target. I hope the people you work with appreciate all the knowledge you have. I did some research on the computer regarding what's in my shampoo and learned that it's a no no to use. It has linoleum in it which gave my hair a waxy feeling.
I used Nexus which was so much better. My head still feels a little itchy but nothing compared to how it was. I look at it this way Thank G-D I have good hair and it did not fall out.
Leslie, it's Fancy1959, what type of shampoo do you use to wash your hair and scalp? I used the knockoff variety made by various stores of T gel. It is designed to help with dry skin on the scalp, psoriasis, and general scalp itchesness. It really keeps me from ripping my hair out when it starts to itch. I can generally wash my hair about twice a week and I don't notice any flakes or itchiness associated with my scalp. It might not hurt to give it up shot. The worst she can do is stop using it after 2 to 3 weeks if you don't notice an improvement in your scalp itchiness. Let me know what you finally settle on using as I too look for different products to use on my hair. Hope it helps. Take care until we speak again. Wishing you calm days on the scalp front and no itching! Fancy.
T Gel is not good for your scalp or hair. It has petroleum products in it that coat your scalp & hair. Most people don't have real dandruff or medically known as Tinea. What happens is people use shampoos that are very alkaline which throws the skins ph out of balance which causes dry itchy scalp. In the hair business the T in T Gel stands for "tar."
Hairbrain4, my mom always had a touch of psoriasis and she passed it along to me. I can remember in junior high just hanging my head over my bed one day with a mirror behind the door directly in front of me and I started rubbing and scratching my scalp because it was bothering me and honest to goodness it look like a blizzard was coming out of my hair. I can also remember my scalp having quarter sized lesion so to speak on it that were raised and just bothersome. I generally would have one or two in my scalp at different places. So someone told me to start using T gel and I did back in junior high. Well it has worked since then and I no longer have the raised lesions on my scalp or the incredible dry flakes coming from my scalp. The only time I got to stop using T gel was the two-year period that I was on tecfidera. Tecfidera was originally used in Europe for psoriasis and honest to goodness it cleared my head up like you wouldn't believe. To top that off while I was on tecfidera I felt like I was radioactive to bugs, ticks, and mosquitoes because they never bothered me and stayed a mile away from me! I had a real problem with tick bites prior to taking tecfidera. I drew ticks to me like a dog draws fleas! On top of that I was very allergic to tick bites and got raised red inflamed welts anytime they bit me.
Once I got off tecfidera the flakes came back with a vengeance as well as the mosquito bites, an occasional tick, and even some spiders bites. I'm simply telling you that for whatever reason T gel does wonders for my scalp. It stops the itching. It stops the flakes and my hair looks great. Who knows I guess I must be the exception to the rule because there's one in every crowd! Fancy.