Back in the olden days when I first started this journey I engaged in one of many tasks to help myself. I badgered anyone & everyone that I could about this illness. I became the local msSocity Queensland spokesman, I joined the local group, I read books, I went online and I thought , I even bought brain charts so that I would know when the Neuro said talked to me about Oliogodendrycytes what that meant, Even if I could not spell it properly. I was going to know as best as I could what was happening to me and all the things that might mean.
I got myself educated and informed, and this gave me power and understanding, and dare I say it a little respect from my neuro because I could understand a little of what he said in his language. Wwen I did not know I asked.
I never asked why me, I knew the answer, because, just because. Besides if it was not me it might be somebody else. They may not have the will to do what must be done. I did and still do so it was no problem. Very inconvenient and unplanned for but doable none the less.
I my friends am not particularly special, I walk and talk just like you ( Not really but you know what I mean. If I can make the best of it and survive 19+ years so CAN you, all it takes is opening your eyes each morning. You are never beaten until you decide to be. Others have gone through worse, you have gone through worse& survived.
This IS doable you have to wipe away the tears, grit your teeth and DO IT just DO IT.
I believe u can, please come join me, we are in this together, take my hand I will help you as best WE can.