Has anyone experienced tooth loss after ... - My MSAA Community
Has anyone experienced tooth loss after taking Copaxone?

Very interesting. I was on copaxone for 10 years. Thanks for posting.
I think I replied about this in the DMSO post, but no I have not lost a tooth except from cracking on something I ate 😵 I've been taking it less than 2 years.
I’ve only been on it for a little over a year, but haven’t had any issues. Thanks for the post!
I have not experienced tooth loss but my teeth started to have more spaces between them and when I was growing up, I had braces to fix that! Also, some discoloration on a couple of teeth that is unexplained that I thought may have been caused by Copaxone but not sure.
Thanks for brining this up!

Not on it, but have heard that is one of it's side affects!
Yes. I've have had a lot issues with my teeth since starting copaxone. My dentist has recommended removing all of my teeth after 8 teeth were extracted and 4 teeth had root canals that are failing. Unfortunately, I can't aďord all of the work that needs to be done.