It's going into mid high 80's and I am heat sensitive. Next Saturday, is my father-in-law's celebration of life taking place in Lake Mead with temperatures 80s-90s. I've got a cooling vest with 15 ice packs and 1 set back ups, but the thought of the weakness that does happen. Causing me to go from walking fine and free to needing a cane. Fearing affects and becoming down and out with memories of in bed and having to rest for a week. Thinking about not going. My father-in-law and I were very close. Happy Easter - Passover - happy day. Blessings and peace to all.
Heat sensitivity : It's going into mid... - My MSAA Community
Heat sensitivity

CynthiaS, don't stress over this celebration of life for your father-in-law. When we set herself up to fail by fearing the worst it often it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy and then we to do nothing to stop it from happening.
Sounds like you're getting your ducks in a row though. Having your cooling vest ready with your ice packs in your freezer will make a huge difference for you. That was the number one thing I would have suggested . Number two is find a Shady spot under a tree or in a pavilion. Staying out of the sun will dramatically lower your body's temperature. Next, do you have a cooling scarf that is given out during many different MS events. You wet the the scarf and put it around your neck. In turn it cools off the major artery in your neck which will in turn help cool the blood going to your head and your heart and respiratory system on the way back down. These are also widely for sale in different department stores. I have seen them at checkout in some of the box stores. If not there try looking for them in the Sporting Goods section.
Next go to a big box store and go to the camping section and pick yourself up the largest battery operated fan you can find. Make sure you take lots of extra batteries with you and you can even take a spray bottle full of water so you can spray a fine mist of water of water in front of the fan and it will then be spread all over you to cool you off. Try taking long a dishpan or something similar big enough to put your feet in. Then add water in it when you start to get hot and add ice cubes in it to cool the water down where your feet are soaking. This would make an excellent place to also ring your neck scarf out in to get it cooler to put around your neck. Make sure you take extra ice along. Last but not least take a chair that has a lot of ventzilation in it in the back. It will allow you to get some air through the vents in the back. If you're really extremely worried about getting too hot you could get an extra fan and blow it on your back as well as for your front.
If I think of any other creative ideas to keep you cool I will contact you back on this post. Best of luck with the celebration of life get together. Please let me know if these ideas helped or were beneficial. I'm always trying to improve upon list to give people. Your feedback is important to me. Until we speak again please take care of yourself and remember together we are stronger!
Thank you for great ideas and for reminding me FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real. Also thinking of getting under armor to wick away sweat. Thankyou for the hug; I needed that!!
I'm not sure Under Armour would be good. Sure it is designed to wick away the moisture but it's an additional layer to hold your bodies heat in. I think a better idea is to wear very loose clothing that will allow breezes to reach your skin so you can cool on the face of your body. If I'm not mistaking I believe sweat is your body's natural way of reducing your body temperature. Just make sure you do not get dehydrated so drink lots and lots of water. I just checked with my son who is an EMT and he agreed totally with my idea of not wearing Under Armour but wearing loosely fitting clothing to help the breeze to get to you. Cynthia go back and reread my first response to your post. I found typos in it and when I fixed the typos in it and I wound up adding some to it as well. Hope these ideas work. Thinking of you and wishing you the best! Fancy.
Heat. UGH. Is my enemy as well. Start out fine & as heat rises not only do my legs turn to spaghetti my speach goes wackey causing an appearance that my I Q is dropping rapidly. Embarrassing.
I so agree with and have used all the tips from Fancy 1959. The only thing I would add that helps me is ice water & plenty of it! Internal attacking to lower core temp. Best wishes.
We will be on a boat, bringing an umbrella to block sun.
I always make sure also that the people i am with understand the circumstances so that if u need to leave u can ya know?

Something simple that I do is add crushed ice to my beverage and I eat the crushed ice as I am drinking. It cools me from the inside.
CynthiaS - great advice from Fancy1959 . I am my own worst enemy. I always convince myself that I can't go/do something because of heat-crowds-whatever, and if I DO overcome that fear and go - my fears are always so unfounded and I am so glad I went. Sounds like you've made all the right provisions. You don't want to spend the rest of your days regretting not having gone to his celebration of life. Let go and let God. Blessings to you, Sandy
Hi Cynthia, I have heat sensitivity also, and went to a memorial service in ben bend nation park temps in mid 80's- 90;s, took a couple sets of cooling packs and my cooling vest and made it through. Glad I toughed it out it was important to be there.
Hello everyone! I did not attend. I gave it thought as well as consider temperature over 90. If Don was still here, he would not consider asking me to subject myself to becoming more debilitated. In addition to getting extremely upset emotionally ; it would flare my symptoms up. Between the sadness of how low the water level is at Lake Mead compared to 31 years ago and remembering Don waterskiing. I just play forever young by Rod Stewert in my head. I'm brave and a realise. Play the album all the way through before I dive in. Thanks for being here. Make it a great day! Blessings
I understand about the heat there being unbearable at times. I lived about 100 miles south of there for 30 years but within a year of my diagnosis we sold the house we had raised 5 children in and moved.
Your family should understand the effects of the heat on you; you can have someone record it for you so that you don't feel like you missed it.
Hi CynthiaS, I truly understand your fear!!!! I was dx in 2007 (ish) and can suffer dizzy spells to exacerbations in record "Nano Seconds." I am still heat sensitive, but most recently reached the best remission period ever; almost three years infussion Inpatient FREE!!!! Won't He Do it!. It's overwhelming, I've been there - don't give up your desires. I just went to Hot Vegas to see Janet Jackson at 62, because we never know? Take the necessary precautions, pray about it and follow your heart!
Praying for you -
Thank you NeeC! Wish I knew you before Janet's concert, we could have met. So tell me how great the concert was? Blessings Cynthia
She was awesome Cynthia. she sung her entire music library with few breaks. It was very visual, and the concert was entitled: Metamorphoris! She stated she has gone through many tragedies in the last few years and joys with the birth of her son; her life has changed forever. She was very inspiring, especially when she sang: "The State of the World Today." Everyone was reflecting on the lyrics ....violence, economy and our kids can't go out go to play! Rhymn Nation had everyone on their feet making peace signs; what the world really needs right! I wish we could have met too.
Blessings and Peace my Friend
Hi Cynthia, sorry about your loss in the Spring. Where are you located?