I'm sorry for just getting to this. "March has come in like a Lion" in more ways than one. So here's the question, who has already had an appointment this month and who has appointments coming up this month. If you feel like sharing, please tell us when and how it goes. I could fill up quite a few days with my appts this month, but mine are annual check-up appts. Not MS related.
Question of the Month, Dr. Appointments! - My MSAA Community
Question of the Month, Dr. Appointments!

I had my Infusion last Monday. It went great.
Thanks for posting this great list. My neurologist said last week that his hope is that the ocrevus keeps me from turning to spms. Any positive results probably won't happen for six months. I'm the first to say that I'm sleeping poorly.
I've got neurophysio tomorrow and Tysabri on Thursday this week xxx
Wow, where do I start. This is a very busy month for me. I've had two so far and about 10 more not counting all the trips to the pharmacy to refill one or another of the 18+ prescriptions that have to be refilled.
I have a big MRI scheduled, my Rituxan infusion two days later. I get to my hearing doctor twice since I lost complete hearing about two months ago. So them's are the biggies. My Psychiatrist, Psychologist, Neurologist and primary. Did I say this is a busy month or what. I'm tired just thinking about it. I how others fair better.
Ms-Indestructible Hope it all goes very well, Terry. You will get through it! YOU are tough as nails!
Hope u get through your very busy month Ms-Indestructible xxxxx
I go into my PCP this Wednesday to renew my so called normal pills for six months. Thursday to pain specialist for post-op instructions for replacement of pain pump 👍🤗. Next week to Oncologist checkup for throat cancer and replacement of feeding tube 👍😉. The end of month Neurologist for renewal of Aubagio 👍😁. The fun we have 😜🤣😂😁🐾🐩🙏 Ken
I have pain dr appt on the 14th. Haven’t seen my neuro for awhile, seeing her on the 19th. Seeing a surgeon on the 28th, unless they have a spot open sooner, which I am hoping. Then we have to schedule the surgery from there. Will be in hospital for three days I believe. I want to take my four fur babies with me, but they said no! 🐕🐶 One of the biggies is that I haven’t been on any dmt’s for awhile now, and it appears Ocrevus is my only option, and I am not real keen on taking it. Need a script for pt and occupational therapy. Used to be so strong, now so weak,must fight to rebuild what I can. Hope all of you are doing well. Love to all, Kelly xx
Kelly,it's Fancy1959. You can't give up! Fight! Fight! Fight! I understand first hand how simple it would seem to just give up and have all the pain, the disabilities, the fear and uncertainties simply go away. But we can't. It's hard to realize that we are still very important to so many people. I understand when we feel so worthless and inadequate because we're not the women we used to be it's hard to remember that fact. Our spouses, our children, our grandchildren, our friends, and extended families looks up to us and unknowingly we have become role models for them. They admire us for our determination, our will to survive, and the sheer grit we show in fighting the monster that is trying to destroy us.
And far as your concerns regarding ocrevus please go to the post I did about a week ago and look at all the responses to it. The name of it is let's do an ocrevus poll. It might fill in a lot of your concerns as you listen to everyone talking about what ocrevus has done for them. Most of us have been on it too short a time to see any really good results, yet. You can also get a feel for how people react to the infusions, Etc. Kelly I plan to update this poll twice a year so we can follow each other's results and compare them on the therapy. As I said before please keep in touch. I miss you. Let us know if you get on ocrevus and follow the poll along. Please give us any input you have regarding your therapy sessions and therapy itself. Thanks a million for being my role model and dearest friend and MS sister! Fancy. 💕😊🤗
Fancy1959 thanks for your great words of encouragement. That poll is a great idea and a fabulous guide for all of us to know how Ocrevus is working for others, what good news! I miss you too. I will never forget how at a dark time you had me private message you everyday until I dug out. You truly saved my life. How can one ever thank someone for showing that kind of love? I am crying just remembering it. This forum is really rather magical. And you are a great part of that magic! I miss you too, will try to write more often, as you said, my dear, cherished friend and sister. Love, Kelly xx
Kelly, I am thrilled at the news that we will be in contact more often. It also makes me feel I can still make a positive difference in people's lives and be useful instead of disabled.😊💕🤗
Fancy1959 awesome post. If I remember Ocrevus and Rituxan are very similar. From my experience it takes at least a year to notice any changes. though I notices some very minor changes after my first full treatment. ~terry
First visit to new Neurologist this week based on a referral from Cleveland Clinic. Originally was diagnosed with Giant Cell Arteritis. Second opinion at Cleveland Clinic proved a wrong diagnosis. Leaning towards MS. Have an order for a brain MRI. I’m praying that this Doc will have answers!
CalfeeChick, it's Fancy1959. I have next week on Thursday my one year check in MRI to see if I've developed any new lesions or have active ones. After I do the MRI I'll be heading towards the doctors within a week 10 days. My next ocrevus infusion is coming up in about a month now. When I find out the exact day neurologist appointment I'll let you know. Thanks for posting this post. Great job!
Thanks Fancy1959 Hope all goes well. I'm thinking of asking doc about Rituxan next month at my next Neuro appt.
CalfeeChick great, if you need anything I can help you with please let me know. I have been on Rituxan for about two years now. I was going to post my recent update from my latest visit from my neuro. I am finally stable. with SPMS and since 2006 I've had all sorts of progressions with the MS, and 3 different neuros. I am happy and looking forward to my next treatment on the 22nd. I think either ocrevus or rituxan would be good, though I am somewhat particular towards rituxan. Let us know. ~terry
My dance card is full of appointments this month. I have an esophagus study tomorrow morning to see why I'm not swallowing correctly. Paired with an ENT appointment on the 19th, so they can scope why my voice isn't working as well.
I see my neurologist on the 16th for my yearly exam and I'm hoping to get my MRIs scheduled for this month after that.
I see my primary on the 13th.
Here's to never ending doctors appointments! I wish I never saw any of them every again but I guess that isn't happening, so trying acceptance out for a change.
Thanks for the thread CalfeeChick !
Made it to PCP and got my normal meds renewed along with antibiotics for sinus infection along with steroids to break it up 👍 Hope this works so it does not mess with my pump replacement 🤷🏼♂️ Also doctor put in for feeding tube replacement and have to hope insurance ok’s🙏👍Will keep you updated 👌🐾🐩 Ken
Yes👍 The insurance approved my feeding tube and setup for Wednesday morning 9:30am🤗 Also went to my pain specialist today and I am still on for replacement pain pump on Friday the 23rd 🙏 Should be over my cold by then 🙏👍😜🐾🐩Ken
It’s crazy but this is my first month in a long time without a dr appt. even my pain dr is letting me go every 2 months now so I don’t even have to go there!!
I’m just hanging out waiting for my next MRI in May.

I had my own response all filled out and somehow erased it. I had 5 appointments, blood taken, gastroenterologist, (Linzess works well) Mammogram, Skin cancer in hand removed, GP follow up. Hubby had 4 appts at VA 90 miles away, had very serious eye surgery and is doing well. I'm still tired and more tired just thinking about it.