It's getting to be a habit for most of us. Would you like to share what thrills you have coming up this month?
February Appointments?: It's getting to be... - My MSAA Community
February Appointments?

Ms specialist follow up, cardiologist, dermatologist and have to get an mri scheduled. So not looking forward to it all. I always have a fear going to drappointments now. I cannot take any more bad news. Hope that the ocrevus is working so far.
Saw my neuro in Jan just my pcp for diabetic check up & refill on my meds. That is until the next adventure comes along lol.
4 appointments with my psychiatrist and planning with Fort Worth PD about the MS walk route.

Neuro and infusion appointments at the very end of February... Hopefully, no thrilling (chilling) snow storms to deal with as well...
greaterexp I started my 4th year on O today, this month I will have a crown done at the dentist, and see my primary care for a follow up on some non-MS issues.
Tomorrow I get my permanent crown. Next week I have Chiro & root cannel on Wed and Thur appt with Neuro. 26th the chiro again (every 2 weeks).
Couple weeks have my feeding tube changed. See neurologist towards the last of the month for six month check up. Furbabies haircut 😊. Ken 🐾🐾👍🙏
an easy-peasey one,eye appointment!
This month, cancel appointment with neurosurgeon, cancel PT, cancel Gastro guy appointment, decide what meds I can afford this month. See shrink next week. I take the meds I must so I can work and keep the MS stable. This is what happens when you have a six house payment deductible on your health insurance (gotta love that ACA). Next month I'll have the Ocrevus infusion and that will take care of the deductible. After that I'll be able to get the $300 Lyrica, the $200 stay awake at work med, and reschedule all of the appointment I canceled. I'm not groveling for pitty, but this insurance is truly criminal. Maybe by the end of the year I'll get that appendectomy and L4, L5, S1 fusion surgery done.