Hello! I am new to this board. Was diagnosed in October of 2014. I’m doing okay, but some days are better, some worse. Yesterday was in the mid 70s in NYC which is crazy for aFebruary (today is in the low 40s!). By the time late afternoon came along the heat was making all of my symptoms worse and I was done for the day 😢. Right now it’s 41 degrees and I feel great! I think I should move to Alaska!
Crazy NYC Weather !: Hello! I am new to... - My MSAA Community
Crazy NYC Weather !

Sounds like a winner😀🤔, but I just can’t get use to the darkness in the summer and the daylight in winter(I think I got that right, it has been years since I been there.)
elaineinqueens Welcome to the group, glad you found us! I'm Jessie. I was diagnosed in 2006. We have had some crazy temps here in MI as well. Tuesday it was like 60 degrees! Back to 40 degrees now with a windchill of 35. The crazy temps make body not want to do anything! Look forward to meeting you!
Hi Jessie. I guess the weather is going bonkers all over the country. MI is Michigan, right? I've never been, but my dog (labrador retriever) comes from a breeder in Dowling, MI. We are actually getting a puppy from the same breeder and she will be coming to us next month. Guess we're crazy to have two dogs, but it's hard to stay upset for too long when you have a dog- so we will have twice the joy with two!
I think having two dogs is easier to take care of🤷🏼♂️The older one shows the younger one what to do. Also they entertain each other and is not as lonely when left home 👍Good luck with puppy 🐶🙏🐾🐩🐕 Ken
Potty training is the worst part. Once they have that conquered its great. I have a 12 year old miniature spitz and a 3 year old standard spitz. I think boys r easier to potty train tho. Girls r horrible 🐕🐕🐾🐾
Hi Midge - this puppy is a girl so I do hope potty training goes well - it went pretty well with the girl I have now, but I guess each pup is different!
Hello New York this is ssdw1958 I live in Massachusetts. I was I'm 2004. I think we had the same weather. the muscle above my knee was Hurting so bad with the warm weather. Well today the humidity was nice and low at 44
To day I had a doctor appointment and got my wh lol m in theeelchair fixed. Hi now it is SNOWING But my legs feel so much better today.
Welcome! I'm so glad you found us.
I'm in Southern Oregon, and we finally got a good couple of inches of snow today to chill our blooming daffodils! It's a crazy time of year, and the ups and downs wreak havoc with our symptoms sometimes. I'm glad you're actually feeling better!
We look forward to getting to know you better. It's a great group of lovely people here.
Welcome. Glad you found our love able and knowledgeable group.
We try to lift each other up in any way we can. Any time you need us some of us are here.
I’m in Georgia but it was 80’ with beautiful sunshine today.
Hi Donnie. My family is in Georgia. My niece and her family are in Roswell and she told me today it was so warm her little girls were wearing shorts! My brother is in Cumming with his wife.
We just moved from Cumming in July. Had enough construction people and traffic. Plus sold our 2 story and bought a single level in the sticks of Toccoa. I’ve been in shorts and sandals for the last 2 days. Was 77 yesterday 80 and 80 tomorrow. Late next week before we ever get back in the 60s. I’m loving it.
Hi elaineinqueens! We're practically neighbors, I live in Rockland county. The weather was insane yesterday, I had all the windows open until early this morning when the temps took a nose dive. Welcome to our group, it's a great place to ask questions, laugh, cry whatever your mood might be and someone will understand.
Hi mrsmike! My stepdaughter used to live in Rockland, in New City - she's now in Brooklyn. My husband's brother and family are in Nanuet. When the weather cooled back off I was so happy and would love to open the window a bit to be more comfortable sleeping, but now it's raining! Better than snow I guess, but higher humidity affects my symptoms.
Elaineinqueens, it's Fancy1959 I would like to welcome you to our extended family in this fabulous chat room you have just found. It is a safe place here to come and ask questions, voice concerns, or to simply speak to others who truly understand what you were going through. This chat room is full of some of the most caring, kind, and compassion people I have ever known. I feel truly privileged to be a part of this family.
Heat is very detrimental too many people with MS. And vice versa is also true in that the cold can be devastating to some individuals as well. When you're in the heat especially, remember to preserve all the energy you can not wasting an ounce of it because the heat drains it's from you quicker. If you try to cram all your working to the first couple hours of the day you will absolutely be shots the rest of the day. The trick is learn to manage your energy well, by rationing it out and small portions throughout the day. That can be a lot harder then it sounds. Simply have to keep trying different things until you figure out your body's needs and the demand Ms put on it. It's a trial-and-error type process were no two people with MS are exactly the same in there energy needs and profile so to speak.
I hope this helps you to figure out how to manage your energy better. If you have any questions please contact us and we'll share our experiences with you. Always remember however, we are not doctors, and we only share experiences that have happened to us. Go to your doctor for medical advice. Until we speak again please take care and try to de-stress as much as you can. That and making sure you get adequate sleep and rest are the two most important things you can do to fight this monster be call MS. Remember, together we are stronger!
Welcome, elaineinqueens . We lived in Hawaii for nearly 20 years and I was SICK! We moved to cool and less humid Washington (state), and I immediately felt better. As I age, I notice a narrower comfort zone, but I’d still take cold over heat any day. 💕
Wow, Tutu. What an adventurous life you have led! My sister moves to Hawaii Saturday.
Which island? We lived on Oahu, but upcountry Maui was my favorite spot. I hope your sister likes her new home. I see a visit to Hawaii in your future! 😉
Hi elaineinqueens ! Welcome! My daughter moved to NYC 7 years ago and we think its funny how often its been colder here in Washington State compared to Long Island where she is now living. It got down into the teens here yesterday. I definitely prefer the cooler weather.
Raingrrl often Long Island has its own weather and believe it or not the ocean does keep it warmer in winter - except for the far eastern end, the north and south "forks" that stick out into the ocean and get all the wind, etc. Our planting zone (eastern Queens, almost in Nassau county, geographically part of LI) was changed to a warmer zone "7" a couple of years back. And yet we had temps near zero in December. Climate change, go figure!!
Does it rain a lot in Washington?
Hi elaineinqueens ! Yes it rains a lot in Washington State. More in the greener western side of the Cascade mountain range where I live. Seattle is part of Western Washington and north of where I live. We often have grey days here with cloud cover and rain or drizzle. One radio station used to call the drizzle..."The dreaded local drizzle". Pretty accurate. Luckily the grey skies and rainy/drizzly days don't affect my mood.
All the trees in the area on LI where my daughter lives remind her of "home". She is in Suffolk County. She used to complain about the commute from our home into Seattle and the irony is she now has just as long a commute from her LI home into Manhattan. (She commutes via the LIRR.) Her commute wasn't so bad from Brooklyn.
I have a question what's the weather like there?
Hi Elaine in Queens I am ssdw1958 from Massachusetts we got that same weather and my legs were not working for me also, but once the humidity dropped I felt so much better. You will find that once the humidity rises it's going to be a not so good day. That's why in the warmer weather I try to schedule things in the morning. Just wanted to pass that bit of info on. I feel I can tell when the weather's is going to changes. I think I should have been a weather person. LOL well I will be feeling a little bit better maybe because today it's going to ❄️ snow here. I wish this weather would make up it's mind so that my body could adjust too it.
Good luck I hope you feel better😎😀