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Hi - I'm new here...

Lisaupnaway profile image
16 Replies

Hi I'm new here. I was diagnosed with MS in 2008 at age 43. It will be 10 years this year! My MS has been pretty manageable. I've been very active and had very few flare ups, and hardly a factor in my life. But now, I've had a lot of ups and downs last year and it badly has affected my MS. Constant stress at work is bad enough but with MS I think it's even worse. A noticeable difference, with recurrent MS related issues more than ever. I'm glad I discovered this community, it helps to know we're not alone.

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Lisaupnaway profile image
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16 Replies
Royjr profile image

You’re right! We’re not alone.

jimmpt profile image
jimmpt in reply to Royjr

Welcome I have PPMS for 26 years now still mobile, slow but get there. Keep your chin up, your faith strong and don't let it win

Fancy1959 profile image

Hello Lisaupnaway and welcome to our extended family,from Fancy1959. The stress at work is probably not doing your MS any good at all. Whenever you have any type of chronic disease or even illness stress can be a huge factor in making the monster you're fighting to snowball and get worse. Plus the nature of this Beast is simply to get worse over time. I am in my upper 50s now and I was blessed not to be diagnosed until 53. At 51 and 52 I would still super active, backpacking with the Boy Scouts, horseback riding hard Non-Stop and playing competitive volleyball. Then Ms hit and knock the wind out of my sails. When I was diagnosed I said according to my scans in the number of lesions I already had that they suspected I had had MS for 10 to 15 years already and just didn't know it because I was so active and strong.

So you are not alone and you have found a great place to come and speak to others who understand what you're going through, ask questions, and voice concerns. Top of that this chat room is full of some of the most caring, kind, and compassionate people I have ever met. Common share anything you wish with us cuz we listen well and we have big shoulders in which you can vent on or cry on depending on what you need. Our goal is to meet your needs in a respectful and positive manor.

Remember we are always only a post away. I look forward to getting to know you because there is much we can learn from each other. Take care until we speak again and remember that together we are stronger!

BigMar7 profile image

Welcome Lisaupnaway! I was diagnosed in 2005 at the age of 56. I have learned a lot from this site and I check it every day. Everyone is so kind and supportive here. I worked until 2007 and was a little anxious I would be bored. I use a cane when I am out, I stopped driving cause my sight wasn’t that great and my husband always drove anyway. 😀

Sukie427 profile image

Welcome, Lisaupnaway . Great name; it shows determination and strength. You will find lots of that here.

Doubled51 profile image

Welcome Lisaupnaway . Glad you found us. You came to a great place..

Yes stress is very bad on MS I say from experience.

We here any time you need anything.


Qt314grl profile image

Hi and welcome! I’m still new around here myself but it’s been a great community so far, it’s nice to be around people who “get it.”

Are there things you can do to cut down on your work stress? I actually just flat out quit jobs that caused me undue stress. I’ve taken a pay cut for a much lower stress job just recently. Of course money is always a stressor too but I’ll live on ramen noodles if need be ;)

Lisaupnaway profile image
Lisaupnaway in reply to Qt314grl

Thank you for the welcome! I’ll probably end up quoting too. But I really will miss my health benefits. I hope to bounce back somewhere else to continue! Ugh ! Viscous cycle.

janetb1968 profile image

Hi Lisaupnaway fab name and im also new was diagnosed last Dec 2017. I have RRMS which is also very active.......fabulous 😕😕😯😕😕 im starting iv Tysabri very soon. Bit anxious about it but it is what it is. Hope u are well at present xxxx

Lisaupnaway profile image
Lisaupnaway in reply to janetb1968

Sorry about your diagnosis. Hang in there. Stay active is my best advice. Be stubborn and keep that chin up. Above all - Stay positive! There will be ups and down along the way but give yourself a break. Persevere

Morllyn profile image

Welcome to the group Lisaupnaway ! Sorry about the diagnosis though.

bxrmom profile image

Lisaupnaway welcome to the group. Stress is what really caused my MS to come out of hiding in 2006 when I was trying to buy my house and being on call when our phone sysbem at the hospital went down in a department. What really sent me into a bad relapse in 2008 from the flu that I couldn't come back from. But stress is always bad for MS so I always try to stay away from it or manage it the best I can.

Look forward to meeting you and chatting more.


SometimesCrazy profile image
SometimesCrazy in reply to bxrmom

Stress caused mine to come out too. Buying a home, starting a business with my fiance, moving his 17 year old daughter in when her mother died suddenly, running a sales office that was off the charts, single mom, kicking my fiance out, cancelling the business that I was paying for. Thank goodness I didn't buy a home with him. What a piece of work.

Lisaupnaway profile image
Lisaupnaway in reply to SometimesCrazy

Wow!! That is STRESS. Yikes. Isn’t amazing what we can endure and then some day look back and say, I can’t believe I lived that! Especially when you are balancing MS in the background. Thanks

ssdw1958 profile image

Hi my name is ssdw1958 glad you heard of we are a good crew of people I also have MS they say I’ve had it since 2004 but as I know it has been longer. But you can talk.

Bye for now

Kenu profile image

Welcome to the crazy,but wonderful MS community 😜👍. This site is a great way to vent and enjoy replies from people who care👍. Great place to find out all kinds of information with out seeing a doctor, but we have suggestions as we are not doctors. I think stress, anxiety, depression, and fatigue are some of our biggest challenges 🤷🏼‍♂️ 🙏🐾🐶🐕🐩 Ken

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