Saw my neurologist yesterday, and he said that I could switch from Copaxone to Aubagio if I desired. For those who are or have taken the pill,what has been your experience and what about side effects? Thank you 😊 for each of you who write on this blog. It is most helpful.
New medication : Saw my neurologist... - My MSAA Community
New medication

I have been on Aubagio since last February and done great 👍 Started on 7mg for 10 days, then 14mg after that. I have not had any side effects at all and seem to have gained energy since starting. Doing better with this drug 👍🙏🐾🐩🐶😉 Ken
I was on Aubagio for almost a year. Had to stop twice due to a skin rash. I lost hair for the first 4 months then it tapered back to normal. I had stomach problems when I first started and had diarrhea alot on this pill. BUT. I liked the fact that it was small and easy to take. Dr took me off due to a new lesion. THat was a bummer but it's nothing you cant handle and people have had good results with it. Good luck
Jkdavid99, thanks for answering my questions. Your experience with GI and diarrhea are some my doctor mentioned. I have the elimination issue off and on so that is a consideration. He also said that I would need monthly blood tests for liver check. I have dry skin so I will think of that and hair loss, as my hair is fine in texture.
I have been on Aubagio for ... must be going on 3 years now. My favorite med yet. I had horrible reactions to Tecfidera and Copaxone so this has been a real relief!
I switched to Aubagio from Avonex in 2016. Have had no bad side effects. I feel more fatigued but it's so much better than the weekly shot. Hope your happy with it, much luck to you.
I liked Aubagio, and think it really helped me. I got bronchitis while on it, and my neuro took it away. My daughter tried to convince him that I got bronchitis every winter, and please just reduce it to 7.5 cause I was doing well, but he wouldn't hear of it! Put me on Capoxone, and had allergic reaction, then Tecfidera, another allergic reaction. Refuses to put me back on Aubagio due to lung issues. I just got over double pneumonia, and another bout with bronchitis. Actually, still have bronchitis; started Christmas Day, followed by the pneumonia, then the bronchits. Guess the MS has me to weak to get well. That's why I think Aubagio had nothing to do with my lung problems. But, the doctors never listen to their patients; they think they know best. So, I am on no DMT; he says my immune system to weak. So, suffer on! And I trust God day by day. But, still, I believe Aubagio is a great medicine.
Agapepilgrim, thank you for your input. I am so saddened by your health experiences. I was sick for several weeks over Christmas with bronchitis like symptoms that lingered. I got a strong reaction to cortisone ordered along with antibiotics. I just do not understand your neutron docter. That is disturbing. Could you have a second opinion? I trust God’ Grace and strength is enabling you to press on, and not be bitter.