I have IBSC..... maybe I shouldn't be on this blog.....?? interested in talking about Linzess and Amitiza, etc....
I do not have MS: I have IBSC..... maybe I... - My MSAA Community
I do not have MS

Could you relate more about your interest in these?
Interest in these what?
I'm just curious about how you found your way to this particular forum. I'm glad erash had some answers for you. I'm sure there is an IBS forum which has a large number of people with experience with these meds. There sure are enough folks who suffer from it. Good luck with your search. I hope you find some answers and support.
I've found Linzess to be too strong for me because of severe cramping. I've prescribed both to pts and both can work but patients sometimes had more side effects from Linzess. Nice that I believe both work locally in the gut and aren't absorbed systemically.
I wonder how f there's an IBS forum on here for you?
Good luck!
Too bad you got severe cramping! BUMER. It DOES help my gut FEEL better....calms the nerves or something......?
I prefer the amitiza I've been on it for years after my stomach was herniated through my diaphragm and left there like a twisted balloon that was going to pop I ended up with mechanical dysfunction because of pushing to go to bathroom was pushing upwards out my mouth as well. The amitiza works great. Earlier this year my doctor had me try linzess. The linzess caused incontinence at first then more pain and then not able to empty as well. I was on it three weeks before requesting I switch back to amitiza. Good luck