Often I share hardship, even for newbys I share this not to gloat but to show moving on with illness is soooo possible.Final loan check thru and on Friday I go to my loved ones funeral and sign papers and get the keys to a new home.IWe honestly got on our knees at a difficult time and knew we needed a home with no yard, no repairs major, wider isles for wheenchair and a room for a caretaker when the time comes..a garage my husband never had.quick process because I cant handle much and we need to sell now not later into winter.EVERYTHING we asked for came into place.MS, the quad bypass, learning of jc virus, hemoragging, death of my dog all in this last year and few months.This feels like a miracle....even with all the health things coming.I share this for those who lose hope...Just when a midst of darkness comes there has to be some light to look for.....thank you all....
ms illness death hope.....A OK ON A HOUSE! - My MSAA Community
ms illness death hope.....A OK ON A HOUSE!

jackiesj as I have said before, prayers go up, blessings come down. Don't get yourself too stressed with the move. Here's to a better year, blessings Jimeka 🦋 🌈
jackiesj i thank our Father He has answered your prayers and supplied your neeeds!! I would like to as about the JC virus. I recently started Tecfidera and cannot get my neurologist to test for it. I have 3 other viruses, one active, and from taking to Biogen, the symptoms are similar to what I have had for 2 years already with progressive MS. How did you convince a doc to order the test?
You can google the JC Virus and find out more about it. Short version is that sometime, somewhere in your life you were exposed to the virus and your body built up "antibodies" to fight it off or you actually had the virus. Most important information that I have found is you or me are more likely to develop a brain crippling fatal situation called PML for short. If taking Tecfidera, you should consider only taking it for 18 -24 months maximum! THAT'S IF YOU ARE JCV POSITIVE! Tecfidera and Tysabri by Biogen react with JCV and possibly cause the the PML disease to develop. I'm not a medical professional, but have learned enough to demand a JCV blood test before taking Tecfidera or Tysabri.. Start here and research.. biogenoptions.com/en_us/hom...
Because I am JCV positive, I didn't want to take either med.
You've had a rough year, jackiesj . So happy for you and the purchase of your new home. Praying you sell yours quickly and that the physical move goes well. Take care of yourself. 💕
jackiesj So glad things are turning around for you!! Sometimes things happen when you least expect them to. So happy for you!
Thank you for posting the good news and for using it to uplift others! 💜
I'm happy to know that you got this "bright ray of light in a dark year." ✨
You are a sweetheart May God richly bless you. I hope you and your husband are very happy in this new home! 😀

Thank you for your post. Reading it reminds me personally that when I'm down, to look for the blessings in my life and how I can try to be a blessing to others.. Always light at the end of the tunnel.
jackiesj so glad that thru the darkness things are looking brighter.
I know I'm a broken record but always put your faith in God and he will see you thru the good times and the hard times. He lifts us up when we are low. Good luck and God bless.
I started doing my Bible study last evening, my eyes were too tired so will try again this am. 🙏🌅💒
CalfeeChick the main things is just do what you can. God knows when we are trying and will bless those that spend time in his word.
Never a broken record! Your light is always needed. 🕯
I never get tired of lifting up God. Just like he never gets tired of lifting us up.
Boy that is so well said!
jackiesj having moved in July I know overwhelming it can be. Just remember we can do all things thru Christ who strengthens us. When it's done its worth it all. But remember to take care of yourself and don't overdo things. Listen to your body. When we push these new ms driven bodies it slows us down by putting us down whether we like it or not. I wiped my self out getting ready to move and almost ended in the hospital instead in our new place. Good luck and God bless.
I recently saw this on a quilters web cite and thought it so shows our MS dilemmas. Always moving forward, no matter what.