OK, y'all it's time for a joke!! We need... - My MSAA Community

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OK, y'all it's time for a joke!! We need to laugh more often!! Hope y'all enjoy it!!

ms4n6rn profile image
48 Replies

How to Maintain a Healthy Level of Insanity

1. At Lunch Time, Sit In Your Parked Car With Sunglasses on and point a Hair Dryer At Passing Cars. See If They Slow Down.

2. Page Yourself Over The Intercom. Don’t Disguise Your Voice.

3. Every Time Someone Asks You To Do Something, Ask If They Want Fries with that.

4. Put Your rubbish bin On Your Desk And Label It ‘In.’

5. Put Decaf In The Coffee Maker For 3 Weeks. Once Everyone is Over Their Caffeine Addictions, Switch to Espresso.

6. In The Memo Field Of All Your cheques, Write ‘For Smuggling Diamonds’

7. Finish All Your sentences with ‘In Accordance With The Prophecy.’

8. Don t use any punctuation

9. As Often As Possible, Skip Rather Than Walk.

10. Order a Diet Water whenever you go out to eat, with a serious face.

11. Specify That Your Drive-through Order Is ‘To Go.’

12. Sing Along At The Opera.

13. Go To A Poetry Recital And Ask Why The Poems Don’t Rhyme?

14. Put Mosquito Netting Around Your Work Area And Play tropical Sounds All Day.

15. Have Your colleagues address You By Your Wrestling Name, Rock Bottom.

16. When The Money Comes Out The ATM, Scream ‘I Won!, I Won!’

17. When Leaving The Zoo, Start Running Towards The car park, Yelling‘Run For Your Lives, They’re Loose!!’

18. Tell Your Children Over Dinner. ‘Due To The Economy, We Are Going To Have To Let One Of You Go.’

Written by
ms4n6rn profile image
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48 Replies
ssdw1958 profile image

Thank thank you very much that was great 👍 but I can't do all of those I don't have a job any more. I could try some of those on my husband nooo he would think I have really lost my marbles.

ms4n6rn profile image
ms4n6rn in reply to ssdw1958

It would be an interesting experiment. I can't skip as I have a hard enough time walking!!

rlh1974 profile image
rlh1974 in reply to ms4n6rn

I used to do that with my kids up until 2 years or so ago. Talk about making my wife rolling her eyes!!!!! My 15 year old and I taking out across a store skipping!

Love you all!


agapepilgrim profile image
agapepilgrim in reply to ms4n6rn

I couldn't skip ever - mmm---maybe theyvright saying I have had MS since 17). Our daughter had to skip to pass kindergarten (crazy, huh) and my husband had to teach her because even way back then I wasn't coordinated enough to skip!! Interesting by product of MS! And if I run, I got nauseated. Oh the mysteries of life with MS!

Doubled51 profile image

#16 and 18 are my favorites. Thanks. Always enjoy a good laugh. Lol.


ms4n6rn profile image
ms4n6rn in reply to Doubled51

I'm glad you liked it Donnie!! I generally have a very twisted sense of humor after all the years of nursing in the ED. I also like dry, kind of sarcastic humor. Heck, I just love to laugh!! It always makes my day when I laugh at something or even myself!!!

ssdw1958 profile image
ssdw1958 in reply to ms4n6rn

I like dry humor also sometimes I have to let them know That I do it because some people think I am serious.

Doubled51 profile image
Doubled51 in reply to ms4n6rn

I totally agree. I'm not picky as long as it's funny. In our crazy world sometimes laughs are few and far between. We need more laughs so bring on the jokes Hahaha. I love to laugh to. Its so good for you. We all need to laugh more especially ourselves. Lol. Blessings to you.


ms4n6rn profile image

I especially like the British comedies on PBS, I think on Sat. or maybe Sun. It's been a while since I've watched them.

erash profile image


😂😂😂 especially #1

But I would love to be able to do #9 ✔️

ms4n6rn profile image
ms4n6rn in reply to erash

erash, I'm glad you liked it. Everyone needs to laugh every day for ok emotional health. The more you laugh, the better your emotional health becomes.

Iona60 profile image

ms4n6rn Thanks. I had a good laugh!

ms4n6rn profile image
ms4n6rn in reply to Iona60

You are most welcome!!

SueAB profile image

ms4n6rn , Laughter is the Best Medicine!

Morllyn profile image

ms4n6rn , I am afraid someone might stick a needle with a tranquilizer in it, into me from behind, and I'd wake up in the psych ward, before I have a chance to tell them it was a joke! 💉😳😴🤤 It would be fun though!😂🤣

rlh1974 profile image
rlh1974 in reply to Morllyn

Morllyn I think we could all use a trip to a paper room! remember that recent posts about padded rooms for rent!? I still want one!!!!!


Gosh I love you all when people here make the rest of us laugh!

Love all to Rob!

rlh1974 profile image
rlh1974 in reply to rlh1974

That should say padded room!

Doubled51 profile image
Doubled51 in reply to rlh1974

That's my next project now that I've checked the concrete is my padded room. Lol.

Blessings to all.


Thanks for the laughs. They definitely brightened my spirit. 😀

melack01 profile image

Those were great. I'm tempted to try a few.

Royjr profile image


Nom_De_Plume profile image


For "9. As often as possible, skip rather than walk,"

I had this image of everyone rushing into the office in the morning, faces sullen, no one saying a word to each other (the Northeast is like that) and then...one guy... seen skipping along the sidewalk in his suit....

How hysterical would that be?! I would LOVE to see that! I think I would fall over laughing. 🤣 Too bad the real world isn't like that.

rlh1974 profile image
rlh1974 in reply to Nom_De_Plume

Nom_De_Plume You are so correct! The world would be such a better place! Hell, I would totally skip if I could! And looking back at it, at my life. I should have skipped more!

downrigger profile image

If your a Trump supporter Please put your pencils away and stop reading. This list is not for you. I apologize to anyone still supporting Trump. I hope you can read this in the spirit to which it was written. Ok here goes, here are my...

Top 10 Signs Trump is your president:

#10 W. seems like a brilliant president now.

#9 The Constitution is no longer required reading.

#8 Beautiful orange glow in western sky is not a 2 am sunset.

#7 Can't get on golf course without a caddy from the secret service.

#6 Never thought you would get drafted again at age 58.

#5 New Medicare plan consists of 2 aspirin and a shot of vodka.

#4 There were more people at the white house impeachment party than at the inauguration.

#3 Kelly ann now relegated to baking muffins and dusting.

#2 "Bill of rights" , now " list of suggestions."

And the number one sign Trump is your president...

You now wear a number and rent is no longer a worry since writing this list.

If you feel the need to respond to this list please message me as I'm sure no one wants to read a political argument here. This was just lite humor, I'm not serious. I respect the office.

MarkUpnorth profile image
MarkUpnorth in reply to downrigger

You're Fired!

agapepilgrim profile image
agapepilgrim in reply to downrigger

@downrigger I was just getting ready to send a private message, and then you said it was a joke! You stole my fun. I LOVE debating (on senate team in school) but people (narrowed down to hubby) get so mad when you I question sources, present opposite opinions with legitimate sources. People can get so mad, and I start laughing because it's all so irrelevant to our souls! But, laughter, now that is good for the soul and brain! Scientist Dr Caroline Leaf proves it. She is on YouTube. I miss debating. (You can only imagine how disgusted I was during the presidential debates! They were NOT debating, they were childish arguments. All candidates were intelligent but none of them knew the basic "rules" of debating. There are opinions without facts, and there are presentations of various conclusions from scientific data! My own neurologist has his personal opinions of interpretation of MSAA data. Cracks me up! He says I "tank his chain" by challenging his "opinions" (my word for his protocols for my comorbidities!) I too like dry humor!

downrigger profile image
downrigger in reply to agapepilgrim

resolve; Health unlocked edits topics to be non controversial and non -commercial therefore an abundance of pre-explanation can avoid hard feelings, Or not.

agapepilgrim profile image
agapepilgrim in reply to downrigger

They read every post?????

downrigger profile image
downrigger in reply to agapepilgrim

They have moderators to keep an eye on each room. I Guess I'm glad they do. I have no idea if they can read private messages. If not for that monitoring, the room would be full of commercial links and popups. To say nothing of the pervs, and predators.

agapepilgrim profile image
agapepilgrim in reply to downrigger

Great idea! Never thought of that!! Good for them! I will try to be nice! And find my sense of humor again!

Fattius profile image

Wow i can laugh!!! Roflmao

rlh1974 profile image
rlh1974 in reply to Fattius

Fattius Happy to hear!!!!!!!


MarkUpnorth profile image

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you

Some good ones. Will forward them on if you don't mind......H E double toothpicks, I'm forwarding them even if you do! Love the pick me up! Life's too short to not enjoy it, whatever yours is like!

Kitsey profile image

ms4n6rn Those are brilliant! Thanks so much for making me laugh. It feels so good! I especially laughed at #16🤑🤑

rlh1974 profile image

ms4n6rn good stuff!!!!! Thanks for the giggles!

We always need some!

agapepilgrim profile image

ms4n6rn very funny if you work! I like #3 and 10. I liked the time my husband, daughter and I (30 yrs ago) stopped at DQ and they ordered blizzzards I said didn't want one. I was in middle of front seat, and asked daughter for. A bite, then my hubby gave me a bite. This proceeded for several mikes until they realized they came out with only 1/2 blizzard and I managed to eat entire whole one! I thought it a hilarious practical joke!! Right now I am desperate for laughs- stomach virus won't go away and it's been 5 days. Nothing les funny than horrible nausea, but nothing more funny than the words that come out of my mouth when verbally explaining myself! Why can I write what I want but can't verbalize the right words?? Another hilarious side of MS brain damage

cljones profile image

I will have to try 10 and 11. My husband likes to tell them at a restaurant that his name is search so they will call out search, party of 2.

YLGram profile image

Well, this made me laugh. You did your job. The visual of any of us running, skipping, made got me.

jackiesj profile image

How do I copy this list off with little pc skills?hahaha this is good.....!

rlh1974 profile image

#5 is absolutely the cruelest thing on the planet! And pretty sure #17 the zoo one is illegal! Other than that, I’m in!!!!!

RoyceNewton profile image

Gee I must have looked funny laughing at the computer. Thank you very much.

RoseySawyer profile image

I like this. LOL 😂❤🌷

RoseySawyer profile image

After a couple of Margaritas at my favorite Mexican Restaurant, I'm always going to Wally World (Wal-Mart ) skipping. 😂❤🌷

falalalala profile image

😂😂Some of these are tempting.

Humbrd profile image
Humbrd in reply to falalalala

I had not read these before, these are great 😂. #5 and #9 are my favorite in the original post by Ms6n4rn.

falalalala profile image
falalalala in reply to Humbrd

I'd do 2 & 7 :D

Humbrd profile image
Humbrd in reply to falalalala

Lol. It would be funny.

falalalala profile image
falalalala in reply to Humbrd

My hub's a great mimic & used to imitate his boss over the walkie talkies and call people out on jobs.


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