Hi, all.
So I have had the strangest symptom, probably for around a year now, possibly more. It comes and goes, which makes me forget about it when it's not happening. But it's just started again today. I'm interested to know if anyone with MS experiences this. Okay, it's difficult to explain, but I'll try my best 🤔🙂 Basically, if I tip my head forward, like lean down or put my head forward to tie my hair back etc, I have to put my head up as quickly as I put it forward because I get this horrid sensation up my nose and into my brain, it's what I can only explain as the feeling of water going up your nose. Or if you've ever had a bad bang to the head and you experience a horrid sensation in your nose. They are the only two things I can think to conpare it to. I hope it makes sense.
Thanks in advance for any responses 💜