Do you hate when you go to the doctor and they ask what your medicines are and if you've had any changes lately. Your mind then goes back over the long list of medicines and supplements you are currently taking and you're supposed to know milligrams and of dosage etc . It's darn near impossible to do it right. But I solved this dilemma. I made a list in my computer and titled it, "My Medicine" and I put each medicine I'm on, on the list. I try to keep the size of a credit card. Besides the medicine I put the dosage I'm on and then how many times a day I take it. I repeat the process until I put everything on it. By the time I finish. I've got 10 or 12 items listed. The medicines go 1st then I put the supplements on the bottom. Whenever you go to the doctor now, all you have to do is pull out the card and they are instantly up-to-date with our medicines regimine. It is also a great tool if you need any kind of help like being in a wreck, or any time you have to go to the ER so they have a list of your amedicines that is complete and easy to follow. On the back of this handy dandy little card I list my doctors complete name, speciality, address and phone
number. I usually can fit 3 or 4 of my primary doctors on it. My p.c., neurologist, and anyone else that is significant and t you see semi regularly. The really good part of this is you keep your medicines up-to-date by simply getting on your computer and updating your medicine list whenever medicines change. After I make a list of I usually print it out on cardstock or something stiff that will hold up a little better. Then I use a self laminating business card two sided pouch to put the card in it.
Mine looks something like this:
J. Doe Medicine List
Ocrevus XX mg every 6 months.
Neuroton XX milligrams X time day.
Bacolfen XXmg Xday
Etc etc....
Supplement list
Vitamin D3 X milligrams day
Cranberry supplement
Etc etc....
The doctors all love it and have said over and over again they wish more people would you do this because it makes their work so much easier. If you have questions or uncertain
of anything just message me back and I'll do my best to fill in the gaps.