Curiosity...You can find a survey on just about anything but this is interesting to see.I am making sure any future vaccines are really the best.what are thoughts...ty
vaccines and MS: Curiosity...You can find... - My MSAA Community
vaccines and MS

My neurologist told me not to get any vaccines at all. In fact, if I cut myself badly and a doctor wants to give a tetanus injection, I need to call my neurologist first so he can speak with the local doctor. I was not someone who took any vaccines to begin with so his directive hasn't been a problem for me.

Hi jackiesj I had that same question about the flu vaccine. I wasn't one to get them but I emailed my Neuro and asked, since I used to get sick all the time, and he said yes.😊 I get mine as soon as they come out, before anyone gets sick.😄😄
But email your Neuro and ask him/her. They should be happy to help you.
J 🌠
I ask about vaccines because I noticed a write up on web md about vaccines and MS.Evidently they were talking about childhood inoculations as a trigger for autoimmune, triggers and such.I know our world is a lot healthier being safe from flu etc....thanks group!
Vaccines are certainly controversial.
I believe the MS organizations are generally ok with the inactivated vaccines like tetanus, flu, etc.
More controversial are live attenuated vaccines like shingles, nasal flu etc.
If you are on a DMT that suppresses your immune system, live vaccines are a no-no.
All Vaccines stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies. This stimulation and a bit of an inflammatory reaction can trigger an MS exacerbation but then again so can the stress of getting sick from the flu, Pneumonia etc. so have to weigh the pros and cons.
I was advised to not get any vaccines while taking a DMT/