OK so first I had a miserable and exhausting 2 and a 1/2 hour appointment at Mi Rehab Services this afternoon for an assessment to see if I'm eligible for services. I'm mentally and physically incapacitated from all that. Lots of stupid brain excercises like matching and putting picture puzzles together, word association, "feelings" surveys, math problems (uughh) spelling, logical sentence order (which word is missing) just to name a few. I couldn't even finish most of them brain block was in "megamode" the whole time and I was a nervous wreck--had to leave the room and go puke! (sorry tmi but true)
Now, fast forward to: returning home to a pile of mail from SSI and Unemployment office. More forms to fill out and send back, but one for SSI is a "Adult Third-Party Function Report." WHAAT??? Now I need to find someone who "knows about my illness and lifestyle" and have them fill this s#$t out?? Welp, my boyfriend won't do it since he isn't supportive and doesn't want to get involved, and I have nobody else that can do it. I don't have any friends, family, or anyone at all, near or far, that knows about my illness and how it affects my ability to work and do other things. And even if they did, they don't live here with me so how would they know how often I cook, shower, when I get up and go to bed, have sleep issues, clean house or anything else for that matter? I don't know what to do with this, I have no one to fill out this d@#n form. Does anyone have any suggestions, as they would be surely appreciated! I don't want to call the SSI office yet and tell them I can't get that form done and sent in on time (by the 16th) because I don't want to get denied for something as stupid as this. HELLLPP!!! ;-/ Thank you in advance!